The sights of Gyula

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The sights of Gyula by Mind Map: The sights of Gyula

1. The Hundred Years Old Café

1.1. How old are The Hundred Years Old Café?

1.1.1. 100

1.1.2. 172

1.1.3. 162

2. Dürer Hall

2.1. Who was Albrecht Dürer?

2.1.1. a painter

2.1.2. a writer

2.1.3. a teacher

3. Music school

3.1. Who was the Music school named after?

3.1.1. Ferenc Erkel

3.1.2. Ferenc Liszt

3.1.3. Béla Bartók

4. Snail Garden

4.1. Who sestatutecan be founding the Snail Garden?

4.1.1. Sissy

4.1.2. Lajos Kossuth

4.1.3. János Arany

5. Fountains

5.1. How many fountain sare there in the town?

5.1.1. kb 20

5.1.2. kb 18

5.1.3. kb 6

6. Bánk Bán Tree

6.1. Where is the ’Bánk Bán Tree’?

6.1.1. In the Castle Bath.

6.1.2. In the Snail Garden.

6.1.3. In the 'Népkert'.

7. Town Hall

7.1. what style was the Town Hall built?

7.1.1. Neorenaissance.

7.1.2. Gothic

7.1.3. Renaissance

8. Rondella

8.1. What was the Rondella used long ago?

8.1.1. It was used as a Gunpowder tower.

8.1.2. It was used as a bar.

8.1.3. It was used as a restaurant.

9. A memorial is behind the Castle

9.1. What kind of a memorial is behind the Castle?

9.1.1. A memorial place of the 1848 HungarianWar of Independence.

9.1.2. A memorial place of the Conquest.

9.1.3. A memorial place of Mongol Invasion.

10. Past and Future statue

10.1. Who was built?

10.1.1. Tamás Vígh

10.1.2. Ernő Görgényi

10.1.3. Péter Páranyi

11. Almássy castle

11.1. Where is the Almássy mansion located?

11.1.1. It is behind the castlebath

11.1.2. In Gyulavári

11.1.3. It is front of the castlebath

12. Gyula Castle

12.1. When was it captured by the Turks?

12.1.1. in 1556

12.1.2. in 1532

12.1.3. in 1552

13. 56's Statue

13.1. What was the Statute of the 1956 Revolution made of?

13.1.1. It was made of granite.

13.1.2. It was made of stone

13.1.3. it was made of silver

14. Erkel Ferenc Memorial House

14.1. When was the new building reopened?

14.1.1. 2011. May 18.

14.1.2. 2011. Dec. 18.

14.1.3. 2001. Aug. 18

15. World clock

15.1. How many cities are displayed on it?

15.1.1. 12

15.1.2. 10

15.1.3. 5

16. Kohán picture gallery

16.1. Where can the Kohan Galery be found?

16.1.1. In the ’Népkert’.

16.1.2. In the 'Göndöcskert'

16.1.3. In the Snail garden

17. Castle Bath.

17.1. How many (swimming) pool sare there in the Castle Bath?

17.1.1. 16

17.1.2. 12

17.1.3. 13

18. Ladics House

18.1. Wha type of family life is show ninth the Ladics House?

18.1.1. A middle-class family.

18.1.2. A royal family.

18.1.3. A peasant family

19. Hamburger Bar

19.1. Where is it?

19.1.1. Béke avanue

19.1.2. Batthyány street

19.1.3. Gyulavári

20. Petőfi statue

20.1. Who was he?

20.1.1. he was poet

20.1.2. he was soilder

20.1.3. he was writer