Barriers to a career in Nephrology
by Mary Brodie
1. Low prestige / Non-competitive field
1.1. Peers & faculty have negative comments about the field
1.2. Not a competitive specialty
2. Low monetary compensation
2.1. More training for less money
3. Lack of exposure
3.1. Little to no exposure to kidney transplant
3.2. No exposure to outpatient dialysis
3.3. Unsure true mix of patient care
3.4. Little to no outpatient exposure
4. Too complex
4.1. Medical school courses to difficult
4.2. Course material not clinically relevant
4.3. Difficult and complex patients
5. Lack of role models & mentors
5.1. Few interactions with nephrology faculty
6. Lack of advances in field
6.1. Lack of treatment options
6.2. No new therapeutics
6.3. No advances in dialysis therapies