Human Habitation & the Canadian Environment

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Human Habitation & the Canadian Environment por Mind Map: Human Habitation & the Canadian Environment

1. Habitation Consequences

1.1. Forest

1.2. Arctic

1.3. Canadian Interior

1.4. Lakes & Waterways

1.5. Mountains

1.6. Plains

1.6.1. Consequence 1

1.7. Oceans

2. Action Plan: What do we need to do now?

2.1. High Priority

2.2. Medium Priority

2.3. Low Priority

2.4. Plan

2.4.1. Goals Goal 1 Goal 2

2.4.2. Rules Session Rule 1 Session Rule 2

2.4.3. Define Problems

2.4.4. Capture Ideas

2.4.5. Prioritize Ideas

2.4.6. Define Action Points

3. Industrial & Technological Consequences

3.1. Consequence 1

3.2. Consequence 2

4. Industrial & Technological Benefits

4.1. Benefit 1

4.2. Benefit 2

4.3. Benefit 3