Sleep - The Last Priority In most places around the world, there is cultural pressure at work and...

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Sleep - The Last Priority In most places around the world, there is cultural pressure at work and in society to work so hard that there is no time for sleep. People need programs and support to help them balance the numerous demands of work, life and society and make sleep a priority for personal health and quality of life. by Mind Map: Sleep - The Last Priority In most places around the world, there is cultural pressure at work and in society to work so hard that there is no time for sleep.  People need programs and support to help them balance the numerous demands of work, life and society and make sleep a priority for personal health and quality of life.

1. Our ability to make melatonin declines with age. Melatonin levels begin to drop below optimal levels by about age 35. Without sufficient melatonin, you are more prone to sleep disturbances that can lead to poor quality sleep and ultimately accelerated aging of your organs, including the brain. Helps people sleep longer and enables those who wake too early to fall back asleep, and helps reset the body’s sleep-wake cycle and improves the overall quality of sleep.

2. If we pay attention, dreams are packed with messages and signals, take dream interpratation as a serious matter

3. Educate on Health benefits of Sleep

4. Dream Journals to Access Unconscious Messages and Intuition

4.1. Good Sleep leads to Good Dreaming/Astral Travel....and more access to Unconscious Mind and Intuition, which has many advantages.

5. Talk about "BeautySleep" and looking Younger when well Rested

5.1. Promoting sleep benefits for weight loss

6. "Sleep Your Way to Smart"-Educate Re: Good Sleep esp Important to Brain, and so = Thinking "Smarter"

6.1. Sleep helps facilitate five essential functions directly related to brain fitness including memory consolidation, organ repair, brain development, muscle growth and repair, and neurogenesis, which is the growth of new brain cells known as neurons. By getting enough quality sleep, your brain is able to perform optimally—increasing concentration, memory, and decision-making.

7. Planning for Comfortable Sleep

7.1. Good Bed

7.2. Beautiful Sheets and Bedding

7.3. Comfortable/Functional Sleepware....esp for Menopause (Night Sweats)

7.4. Ideal Room Temp

7.5. Protection from bright early morning or late night light during summer months....dark drapes....eye masks

7.6. Use noise machine

8. Making Bedroom a Beautiful Place that one looks forward to Sleeping

8.1. Removing all items from Bedroom that do not have to do with TV's, Computers, Cell Phones

8.2. Dim, relaxing lighting, candles

8.3. Good Feng Shui

9. Use Natural Sleep Enhancement.....Melatonin an hour before planned sleeping time to assist falling asleep at an ideal time

10. Only time to have the tooth fairy show is when sleeping deeply...very important!! No deep sleep=no tooth fairy (And rumor has it she reports to Santa!!)

11. "Occupy Shiftwork"

11.1. Don't support businesses at times where there is needless shiftwork....quit shopping late at night

11.2. Create Slow Living moving. Like slow food- local grown with in 50 miles. So quality life is a movement

12. Eating Regularly with Adequate Calories and Nutrition during the day to prevent late night eating

13. Teaching Children Good Sleep Habits Early

13.1. Develop children's books promoting good sleep

14. Teaching Children to Listen to Their Bodies and Rhythms...that they're important

14.1. They will learn to say No...when something doesn't feel right for their bodies.

14.2. Build into health education in schools

15. SET PERSONAL PRIORITIES ----Startups and self employment need flexibility (work when inspired or resources are available, yet balance (time with family, vacation) JS

15.1. creativity doesn't come on demand between 9-5, but it doesn't have to be 24/7 either

15.2. there will always be an emergency or immediate business opportunity when you have a break scheduled - Go Anyway!

15.3. Family or loved one pledge of priorities as are minder to put health first whenever possible

16. BUDGET TIME FOR BALANCE LIFESTYLE- for work, play, family & friends, a sleep deprived mind is no good to anyone. JS

17. Change Careers.....Self Employment/Working From Home/Create the Life You Desire

17.1. Teaching all options for "Work" besides the "go to University...get a job".....Teaching Entrepreneur Skills, and Creativity at a young age.

17.1.1. Integrating sleep counselling with career counselling

18. Develop good sleeping habits: always in bed at the same time and a small ritual before going to bed so every time you do it your body knows it's time to sleep (EZ)

18.1. A lot of things we do everyday like having breakfast and brushing our teeth are the result of developed habits. That means you start doing something "forcing" yourself and you end up doing it without thinking

18.1.1. 21-30 day programs to establish the habits (that's supposed to be how long it takes)

19. Astral travel agency: sleeping is a way of astral traveling (EZ)

20. Bedtime is often associated with punishment for kids (EZ)

20.1. When a kid is misbehaving, we send him to bed. When he's having lots of fun at night, we send him to bed. Going to bed has a negative conotation.

20.2. When we grow up we long for more time in bed... maybe make kids feel that way not forcing them to go to bed when they don't want to (?)

21. Marketing campaigns (EZ)

21.1. Sleeping is AWESOME!

21.2. Good sleep is not a luxury

22. Sleeping as a diet tip (EZ)

22.1. Fact: sleeping plays an important role on weight losing process.

23. Educate the meaning and value of true sleep via Public Service announcements (JS)

24. Using technology to help prioritize sleep (HS)

24.1. An app on TV that marquees a warning alert across the screen if the TV is on beyond a particular time at night (say 10 pm or 11 pm)

24.2. A wearable device (like a watch) that generates a unique kind of vibration that puts you to sleep.

24.3. A wearable device that can detect how well you slept the previous night and tells you the exact gain or loss for you. For example: "You slept really good all of last month. You have increased your lifespan by 15 minutes because of this."

24.4. Smell emitter tat puts out relaxing smells -cinnamon?

25. Incorporate more relaxation Into the at end of day relaxed...not stressed...Yoga, Guided, Hypnotic Meditation, Journaling

25.1. Have workplace rewards for doing such activities

25.2. Incorporate Yoga and Meditation programs into the Workplace

25.3. Make Yoga, Meditation and other relaxing activities Family activities

26. Have a "Light's Out" Policy in Your computers, TV's bright lights, etc after a certain time each day

26.1. Have more mood lighting in the home

26.2. Dine by candlelight for dinner each evening

26.3. Have more candles in bathroom and bedroom



29. HYPNOTIZING TV SHOWS - for those who like to watch tv before sleep

30. RESET CIRCADIAN CLOCK - that our current lifestyle has destroyed

31. NAP CENTERS WITH SLEEP PODS - like a coffee house, stop in for a quick visit or hang out a while

32. Collaborate with colleagues to avoid sending email after a certain hour. Save as draft and send next a.m. if you happen to be working late.

33. Keeping journal and compare performance between sleepless and restful periods

34. Sleepiness-level test (just liike alcohol-level test)

35. Illegalize caffeine products

36. Stop wasting time and procastinate

37. Company to start/stop working outside of rush hours so employees can sleep longer

38. Work with your family so work time = family time

39. Ignore the society. Listen to your inner voice.

40. Electronic device fast

41. Bonus based on impacts/hours ratio

42. No-work outside 9-5 policy

43. Move somewhere cheaper and work remotely

44. Outsource trivial works to someone who can do it cheaper

45. Timebox your work hours. Use the Parkinson's law: Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion

46. Use 80/20 rule to eliminate unimportant/low-impact works

47. Work more effectively

48. Reduce your desire -> reduce your earning -> reduce work hours -> can sleep more

49. Poor sleep ugly dolls- snugly sleep companion

50. Heath Ledger, Michael Jackson deaths caused by sleep issues and meds. Scared straight type

50.1. Something to do with vampires or zombies promoting sleep aimed at teens and young adults.

51. Use technology such a Jawbone -Up or Nike Fuel Band to provide feedback data about sleep

51.1. Have insurance companies provide incentives for sleep-like Progressives safe driver data collected from car

51.2. Post sleep data on Facebook

51.3. Include sleep data on weight, health websites like

52. Demonstrate economic impact to companies of staff's lack of sleep (money talks) (CG)

52.1. Provide insurance deductions for sleep wellness.

52.2. Paid nap time for adults

52.3. CEO Sleep club. Recruit leaders willing to test a program themselves.

52.4. Sleep contest with a prize - not necessarily most sleep, but most consistent 8 hours, bedtime, etc.

53. Have celebrities talk about the importance of sleep (CG)

53.1. Celebrity posted sleep times and habits- four square of sleeping. Earn badges for sleeping

53.2. Billboards

53.3. PSAs on TV

53.4. Athletes talking about impact on their performance and how that extends to our own performance for work, family, etc.

54. Campaign like 5 a day for fruits and veg: 7-8 a night makes everything alright. (CG)

54.1. Sleep poster like food pyramid

54.2. Get comics artists to make sleep a theme for a week.

55. Bring back "sleeping manners" (EZ)

55.1. Not making phone calls after a certain time (9 pm)

55.2. Be quiet when someone is trying to sleep (turning down tv or music volume, walking smoothly)

55.3. Don't make fun of a person's sleeping habits (some people call "grandpa" someone who sleeps early)

56. Accomplish something while you sleep. In our society, we must be busy every minute of every day; wasting time is a shame for us. Sleeping is often seen as a waste of time, but sleeping time can be used productively. (EZ)

56.1. solving difficult problems while you sleep (works great with math and other logical problems)

56.2. Dieting with sleeping audio programs (they work, I've done it)

57. Use an app to track your sleep (EZ)

57.1. Like, it tracks your movement and keeps note of your best/worst nights, that helps finding times and conditions that give best / worst sleeping patterns

58. Nowadays people love apps, developing an app to track your sleep and earning badges (like foursquare) for sleeping achievments, compiting with friends, publish it on FB and Twitter, maybe using Path... (EZ)

59. Take a sleeping test periodically ( you may think you have good sleeping habits when you don't. (EZ)

60. COCOON SLEEP ENCLOSURE - with heat, sleep tunes that adjusts to each person

61. PILLOWS with sound(heartbeat) scent, temp control


63. GET OFF THE GRID- live more naturally

64. Sleep Parties ( like Avon or Tupperware)


66. Sleep App - reads levels of sleep, displays on phone,tv, computer ... the ultimate baby monitor