"creativity course" A-Team

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"creativity course" A-Team by Mind Map: "creativity course" A-Team

1. Tip: Avoid caffeine Likewise, do not drink caffeinated beverages before, during, or just after the flight. Caffeine can also cause dehydration and disrupt sleeping schedules. What's more, caffeine can jangle your nerves and intensify any travel anxiety you may already be feeling.

2. Tip: Travel in a Group, it helps! 1. Go swimming with friends, it exposes the body to the sun while you have fun. 2. Play loud music and dance outdoor with friends. 3. Rather than board a bus or taxi from the airport when you arrive, ride home. Get on a bicycle. 4. Running is a good idea too. Engage in a little race with travel mates. 5. A few hours before you arrive, have a friend knock you out. When you wake up, you must have lost time consciousness. You will re-adjust to time immediately. 6. Have a group bubble bath. It will help you all relax as your body re-adjusts to the new time. 7. When you arrive, engage in activities you usually perform at that time. You will simply re-adjust over time.

3. Use the force, Luke! Use all your tool that you have at disposal: - If you are Nightcrawler from X-men then use teletransportation - if you are Elastic Woman then move your head in the landing time zone, so that your body will not feel the time-lag - if you are Captain Kirk just says "engage" and then Spock will drive you to the next time zone even before saying a warp And if you miss any of this, just put yourself in front a mirror and use the mind tricks that obi wan told you: "we are not 8 hours different from home, we are not 8 hours different from home, ..."


5. What are the best ways to cope with jet lag?

5.1. Work on your body

5.1.1. Tip: Stay in shape If you are in good physical condition, stay that way. In other words, long before you embark, continue to exercise, eat right, and get plenty of rest. Your physical stamina and conditioning will enable you to cope better after you land. If you are not physically fit, or have a poor diet, begin shaping up and eating right several weeks before your trip Mind over body! the "Travel Hat" Convince your body to listen to your brain! requirements, heavy meditation You put on this hat, but this is no ordinary hat! (it is..) this is your travel hat, on your travel hat there is a clock which you set, so if you're travelling to +5 hours, you set it 5 hours ahead, and once you've done that, you put it on and you have no problems coping with any jetlag or confusion.. for this to work now, you have to wear this around for the entire trip, and you have to meditate pretty hardcore to control your body on this level. Mind over body! the "step by step" You build up your day rythms very strongly, and like a child with OCD you have very strong patterns that you follow like have a very distinct smelling cup of tea before you go to bed, or eat some heavily flavoured lunch, that will help you body realize that you're at that particular moment in your daily rythm. It might seem stupid that you endorse strong patterns when you're trying to be more flexible, but then when you travel, you bend these patterns, and you keep drinking the strong tea before bedtime, or eating heavily flavoured food at lunch. So your body will adjust faster to "the old pattern, in a new setting" ...

5.1.2. Tip: Move around on the plane While seated during your flight, exercise your legs from time to time. Move them up and down and back and forth. Bend your knees. Stand up and sit down. Every hour or two, get up and walk around. Do not take sleeping pills, and do not nap for more than an hour at a time. These measures have a twofold purpose. First, they reduce your risk of developing a blood clot in the legs. Research shows that long periods of sitting can slow blood movement in and to the legs, thereby increasing the risk of a clot. The seat is partly to blame. It presses against the veins in the leg, restricting blood flow. Inactivity also plays a role. It decelerates the movement of blood through veins. If a clot forms, it sometimes breaks loose and travels to the lungs (known as pulmonary embolism), lodges in an artery, and inhibits blood flow. The victim may experience pain and breathing problems and cough up blood. If the clot is large, the victim could die. Second, remaining active, even in a small way, revitalizes and refreshes your body, wards off stiffness, and promotes mental and physical acuity which can ease the symptoms of jet lag.

5.2. Change your plans

5.2.1. Tip: Break up your trip On long flights traveling across eight, 10, or even 12 time zones, break up your trip, if feasible, with a stay in a city about halfway to your destination. For example, if you are traveling from New York to Bombay, India, schedule a stopover of a few days in Dublin or Paris. (At noon in New York, it is 5 p.m. in Dublin, 6 p.m. in Paris, and 10:30 p.m. in Bombay.)

5.2.2. Tip: Change your schedule If your stay in the destination time zone will last more than a few days, begin adjusting your body to the new time zone before you leave. For example, if you are traveling from the U.S. to Europe for a one-month vacation, set your daily routine back an hour or more three to four weeks before departure. Then, set it back another hour the following week and the week after that. Easing into the new schedule gradually in familiar surroundings will save your body the shock of adjusting all at once. If you are traveling east, try going to sleep earlier and getting up and out into the early morning sun. If traveling west, try to get at least an hour's worth of sunlight as soon as possible after reaching your destination Brute Force! Don't travel at all! : If you fear for the long travel and you can postpone your travel, then just stay where you are! :)

5.2.3. Tip: Adapt to the local schedule The sooner you adapt to the local schedule, the quicker your body will adjust. Therefore, if you arrive at noon local time (but 6 a.m. your time), eat lunch, not breakfast. During the day, expose your body to sunlight by taking walks or sitting in outdoor cafés. The sunlight will cue your hypothalamus to reduce the production of sleep-inducing melatonin during the day, thereby initiating the process of resetting your internal clock. When traveling with children, try to get them on the local schedule as well. When traveling east and you will lose time, try to keep the child awake until the local bedtime. If traveling west when you will gain time, wake your child up at the local time Brute Force! Just soldier your way through the jetlag! : Keep eating and function as you are in your old timezone, this could work most of the way when you're abroad for a limited time and only are expected to work in 8 hour shifts, i mean, these could most of the time be placed in two of three places, 24-08, 08-16, 16-24.. so if you worked at 08 (new time) but it was really 16(your time), then you'd just get up and "spend your day" in the 8 hours before you work (from 08-16 your time), but really spending (00-08 new time), you wouldn't be able to see all of the attractions, but it might help you fix your jetlag problem instead of having to readjust every single time you travel :)

5.3. Use tools wisely

5.3.1. Tip: Read a good book Read a good book by late night no matter how tired you are. You will be so exhausted you will not even notice that you are going to sleep in morning hours of your previous time zone.

5.3.2. Tip: Drink water Drink plenty of water, especially during the flight, to counteract the effects of the dry atmosphere inside the plane. Take your own water aboard the airplane if allowed.

5.3.3. Tip: Use sleeping medications wisely -- or not at all Try to establish sleeping patterns without resorting to pills. However, if you have difficulty sleeping on the first two or three nights, it's OK to take a mild sedative if your physician has prescribed one. But wean yourself off the sedative as soon as possible. Otherwise, it could become habit-forming. There are also some homeopathic remedies that may be used. A product called No Jet Lag contains homeopathic remedies leopard's bane (Arnica montana), daisy (Bellis perennis), wild chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), ipecac (Cephalelis ipecacuanha), and club moss (Lycopodium). Valerian root is an herb that can be used as treatment for insomnia. Do not take valerian with alcohol. It is important to consult your physician before taking these or any other homeopathic or herbal remedy. Sleep medications are not recommended for children. Take enough sleeping pills and pretend it is night time no matter what time it is at you new destination. Try to sleep all the way through the night so that the next morning you catch up with the local crowd.

5.3.4. Tip: Avoid alcohol Do not drink alcoholic beverages the day before your flight, during your flight, or the day after your flight. These beverages can cause dehydration, disrupt sleeping schedules, and trigger nausea and general discomfort. Brute Force! vol. 2 Just soldier you way through the jetlag, with alcohol! The idea is basically, you drink like a party animal until you have to leave, and during the trip and on your arrival, you'll be so spaced out and hung over, your body won't even realize that it has travelled, and when you'd normally wake up at 06pm and go for takeout, you're now maybe up at 06am, and going for breakfast, though still slightly hungover.

5.3.5. Tip: Use devices/ substances that will help you adjust Use the Ostrich Pillow: The 'Ostrich Pillow' is a new portable device that its inventors say will "enable power naps any time, anywhere," including in airport lounges and on planes. Buy a talkie alarm clock that will keep reminding you what time it is so that your ears will get familiar with the new time. Perhaps, your brain will too so that your internal clock will be reset. Get a shot of melatonin from a health-care personnel of course. It may help

5.4. Get help

5.4.1. Tip: Get medical advice If you have a medical condition that requires monitoring (such as diabetes or heart disease), consult your physician well in advance of your departure to plan a coping strategy that includes medication schedules and doctor's appointments, if necessary, in the destination time zone Let the others know! Draw on a post-it or on a board: "I have been travelling for more than 10 hours in a compressed seat and I'm almost exhausted, so please don't get me wrong if I won't answer you in a polite way today. Thanks in advance for your patience" At least in this way you will not fill the jet lag also to the others...

5.4.2. Tip: Wear comfortable shoes and clothes On a long trip, how you feel is more important than how you look. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Avoid items that pinch, restrict, or chafe. When selecting your trip outfit, keep in mind the climate in your destination time zone. Dress for your destination

5.4.3. Tip: Check your accommodations Upon arrival, if you are staying at a hotel, check to see that beds and bathroom facilities are satisfactory and that cooling and heating systems are in good working order. If the room is unsuitable, ask for another.

6. Plan

6.1. Goals

6.1.1. Goal 1

6.1.2. Goal 2

6.2. Rules

6.2.1. Session Rule 1

6.2.2. Session Rule 2

6.3. Define Problems

6.4. Capture Ideas

6.5. Prioritize Ideas

6.6. Define Action Points

7. Problem

7.1. Fall asleep after flight

7.2. Besides fatigue and insomnia, a jet lag sufferer may experience a number of physical and emotional symptoms including anxiety, constipation, diarrhea, confusion, dehydration, headache, irritability, nausea, sweating, coordination problems, dizziness, and even memory loss. Some individuals report additional symptoms, such as heartbeat irregularities and increased susceptibility to illness.

8. Prioritize Ideas

8.1. High Priority

8.2. Medium Priority

8.3. Low Priority

9. Action Points


10. A-team

10.1. Ruggero Di Benedetto

10.2. Nicolaj Figaw

10.3. Gagan M

10.4. Hephzber Obiorah

10.5. Vinayadharraju Prathikantam

10.6. Renata Radeka