E&D Activity

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E&D Activity by Mind Map: E&D Activity

1. Equality Impact Assessment

1.1. Initial Meetings

1.2. Training

1.3. Working Group

1.4. Write Reports

2. Convergence-Performance Centre

2.1. Social Sustainability Toolkit

2.2. Access reporting for PC

2.2.1. PWG, Relocation Group

2.3. Access Reporting for Infrastructure

2.3.1. JP3

2.4. RDA

2.4.1. Advisor updates

2.4.2. Formal Reporting

3. Training

3.1. Equality Inductions

3.2. e_Training: roll-out

3.3. Student Mentors

3.4. Course/Area Teams

4. Partnerships-Community

4.1. Community groups

4.2. WP/Community Learning Space

4.3. CSR Policy (AU)

4.4. DnFC

4.5. Web Presence

5. Events

5.1. Balance exhibition; - Oct 09

5.2. d-fest March 2010

5.3. WP activity

5.3.1. SameBoat Project

6. My Geistesblitzes

6.1. Pgche

6.2. Bananas

6.3. wtf!

6.4. times higher

7. General

7.1. Harassment & Bullying

7.1.1. Bullying cases

7.1.2. Create advisors/training

7.2. Policy/Strategy

7.2.1. Equality & Diversity Strategy

7.2.2. CSR Policy

7.2.3. Cancer in Workplace?

7.2.4. Single Equality Scheme

7.2.5. Action Plans revision & approval

7.2.6. Consultation Strategy

7.3. EDSG

7.4. Awareness Raising

7.4.1. e_newsletter

7.4.2. notice boards

7.5. Learning & Teaching

7.5.1. Inclusive Curriculum Project

7.5.2. Learning, Teaching & Access Committee

7.6. Disability

7.6.1. Staff Jane Gottelier Deborah Sugg-Ryan Trent data Access to Work Guidance Equal Pay Audit

7.6.2. Students Michael Chambers Belinda Warwick Dyslexia Working Group

7.6.3. 11 Steps - audit

7.6.4. Central £ proposal

7.6.5. Access Map-UCAS site

7.7. Support for Student Groups

7.7.1. FXU Equality Rep

7.7.2. LGBT Soc

7.7.3. Mature Students

8. HR Strategy