A Global Analysis of the Current State of Practice The Value of PMO
by Andres Aquino
1. 6st fact: The PMO’s mandate covers a select group of projects or the vast majority of projects
1.1. 62% are located in business, functional, or regional units
2. 8st fact: Most PMOs have a very small staff.
2.1. PMO staff is overhead
2.2. the majority of PMOs have very few resources than other project managers
3. 5st The implementation time for PMOs is 6 to 24 months.
3.1. but, what if their existence is questioned in less of 24 months?
3.2. Only a 16% of PMO's is implemented in less or six months!
4. 7st fact: Either all or none of project managers are located within most PMOs
5. 4st fact: Closure and restructuring of PMOs occurs frequently
5.1. 54% have been in existence for two years or less
5.2. PMO's are frecuently closed or reestructured
5.3. Approximately half of PMO's are seeing their relevance or existence questioned.
6. 3rd fact: The majority of PMOs are stand-alone in nature
6.1. PMO's can be located in different parts of the organization
6.2. 50% of organizations have a only one PMO
6.3. 78% of PMO's operate autonomosly from other PMO's
7. 1st fact: There is a lack of consensus as to the value of PMOs.
7.1. Is the PMO a best practice?
7.2. 50% of PMOs are valued by their organizations
7.3. The rest of PMO are not meeting expectations
8. 2nd fact: relative consensus on the name “Project Management Office.”
8.1. The PMO have a wide variety of names
8.2. 59% are named "Project Management Office" or, usually "PMO"
9. Andrés Aquino