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RAC by Mind Map: RAC

1. Clarify Process

1.1. Clarify certification vs. certificate

1.1.1. 1.1. Direct marketing: Mailing #1 (Jan); mailing #2 (July)

1.1.2. 1.6. Revise website content to clarify differences certificate/certification and different exams; outline path from RAC inquiry to success

1.2. Create path to RAC from awareness to recertification

1.2.1. 1.4. PR outreach to recognize new RACs and make it easier for RACs and their employers to tout their accomplishment.

2. Build RAC Brand

2.1. Leverage RAC prep

2.2. Shift from exam cycle focus to year-long positioning

2.2.1. 1.2. SEO: ensure SEO is optimized prior to spring exam peak (late Jan), follow up with targeted SEO after new site launch (November)

2.2.2. 1.5. Establish RAC-specific category on social media calendar to ensure RAC messages are communicated throughout the year and draw attention to important dates and useful resources.

2.2.3. 1.7. Targeted campaigns for RAC exam takers in Q1 and Q3

2.2.4. 1.8. Targeted campaign for current RACs to maintain credential

2.3. Roll out global exam positioning

2.3.1. 1.3. Design: overhaul RAC campaign (June)

2.4. Emphasize recertification