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1. How can we protect ourselves from transmitted/ contracting the disease?

1.1. How is HIV and AIDS transmitted?

1.2. Who is at Risk and What are the Risk Groups?

2. How we Can put and end to HIV/AIDS once and for

2.1. Knowing your Status

2.2. Practicing Safer sex

2.3. Getting Tested

3. How can we end this epidemic?

3.1. How to put an end to the epidemic

3.1.1. Goal 1

3.1.2. Goal 2

3.2. Rules

3.2.1. Session Rule 1

3.2.2. Session Rule 2

3.3. How to prevent the transmission, and how to cure the disease

3.4. More testing facilities

3.5. Educating children earlier

3.6. Knowing the risk factors

3.7. How to protect yourself

3.8. What is HIV and AIDS?

3.9. What are the signs and symptoms?

4. How can we be more knowledgeable about the virus?

4.1. Being tested yearly or 3-6 months if you are at high risk

4.2. No knowledge about the virus

5. How to be POSITIVE that you are Negative

5.1. Getting tested

5.1.1. Testing Options

5.1.2. Where testing location are in Alabama

5.2. Having sex partners tested

5.3. No sharing of needles

5.4. Safer sex