What new ways could you incorporate the use of visual organizers into your classrooms?

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What new ways could you incorporate the use of visual organizers into your classrooms? por Mind Map: What new ways could you incorporate the use of visual organizers into your classrooms?

1. In my computer arts & animation class, my students could create a storyboard, fleshing out some details as they go.

1.1. Details could include camera angle, scene details, or dialogue.

2. Life map for Personal Narratives

2.1. Narrative maps for novels

2.2. Compare/ Contrast Author's Bio and Author's Narrative

3. Prewriting organizer

4. Planning for large multi-level/task projects

4.1. students could be project managers and oversee team progress online

5. Organizing Timelines ex. "What If" Assignments

6. Respone to Literature character analysis

7. Parent conference schedule

7.1. New node

8. Planning for group events

9. organizing and gathering ideas for the group

10. Someone's not listening...

11. This is the hive mind at work.

12. Shared Folder

13. daily class schedules

13.1. Monday

13.1.1. Morning meeting

13.1.2. PE

13.1.3. Math

13.2. Tuesday

13.3. Wednesday

13.4. Thursday

14. outline for rough drafts

14.1. peer review of rough drafts

14.2. elements of fiction

15. SmartBoard

16. New node

17. Organizing a field trip

18. New node

19. New node

20. New node