Assessment Vocabulary

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Assessment Vocabulary por Mind Map: Assessment Vocabulary

1. Types of Tests

1.1. norm-referenced

1.1.1. students are compared to the performance of the other students

1.1.2. examples: can be summative if they are given at the end of a period.

1.2. criterion-referenced

1.2.1. student performance is compared to specific criteria

1.3. standardized

1.3.1. an evaluation comparing to a standard

1.3.2. can be norm-referenced or criterion referenced

1.3.3. all students take the test under the same conditions

1.4. summative

1.4.1. tests given at the end of a semester, quarter, or unit whose results show how much has been accomplished throughout that period of time.

1.4.2. examples: achievement tests, norm-referenced tests

1.5. formative

1.5.1. teachers use to evaluate student progress during a lesson, unit, etc so that changes can be made to accommodate the student..

1.5.2. examples: weekly tests

1.6. curriculum-based assessment

1.6.1. any procedure that evaluates student performance in relation to the school curriculum

1.6.2. examples: spelling tests

1.7. curriculum-based measurement

1.7.1. frequent, direct measurements of critical school behaviors. allows teachers to modify the instruction.

1.7.2. examples: timed reading tests, math tests, and writing tests, formative tests

1.8. performance assessments

1.8.1. curriculum based, students construct responses to real-world tasks allowing the teacher to evaluate their understanding.

1.9. portfolio assessments

1.9.1. curriculum-based consisting of student-made products showing their skills

2. All tests must have:

2.1. reliability

2.1.1. determines that the test is consistent in what it measures

2.2. validity

2.2.1. extent to which a particular test measures what it is intended to measure. evaluated by comparing different tests of the same skills or abilities