Types of Reliability and Validity

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Types of Reliability and Validity by Mind Map: Types of Reliability and Validity

1. Action Points

1.1. Test-Retest Reliability

1.2. Parellel Forms Reliability

2. Interrater Reliability method ask questions.provides a measure of dependability or consistency of scores. Retrieved from:www.axon.psy.memphis.edu

2.1. when a test includes performance task, or other items that need to be scored by humans, the reliabiity of the raters must be estimated.

3. Reliability of measurement is a property of consistency. Retrieved from:www.axon.psy.memphis.edu

4. for many criterion reference test a more useful way to think about reliability may be in terms of examiners classification. Retrieved from:www.axon.psy.memphis.edu

5. Parallell forms are constructed to match test blueprint.

6. parallel forms are constructed to be similar in average difficulty.

7. Parallel are reliable by administering both forms to the same groups.

8. Parallel form scores are correlated to determine how similarity the two test forms function.

9. If an examinee is classified as a master on both test administrations, or as a non master on both occassion , the test is producing consistency.

10. Validity is important when learning and assesing because it is important to teach concepts and beable to test the knowledge that is intented to be test and the feedback yielld valid. Retrieved from: www.axon.psy.memphis.edu

11. Ideas

11.1. Criterion Validity1

11.1.1. A validity of intelligence

11.1.2. Concurrent and Predictive Validity

11.2. Content Validity

11.3. Face Validity

11.4. Construct Validity

12. A validity test of intelligence: correlate with other intelligence tests. It also correlate with behaviors that are considered to require intelligence.(such as doing well in school.)Retrieved from:www.axon.psy.memphis.edu

13. Content Validity: measures general knowledge,verbal,spatial and qualitative skills. Retrieved from:www.axon.psy.memphis.edu

14. Face Validity to Test : a test may have high or low degree of validity. Retrieved from:www.axon.psy.memphis.edu

15. Construct Validity of A Test: test of musical aptitude should not require too much reading. Retrieved from:www.axon.psy.memphis.edu

16. Predictive Validity:predicts future performance.(such as graduation.) Retrieved from:www.axon.psy.memphis.edu

17. Reliability of measurement is important to learning and assessment because its role is to yield the same results in regardless to any circumstances. Retrieved from: www.axon.psy.memphis.edu