Physical Quantities and Units

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Physical Quantities and Units by Mind Map: Physical Quantities and Units

1. Length

1.1. Metre rule max dist: 1m accuracy:1mm

1.2. The vernier caliper accuracy: 0.1mm

1.3. Micrometer screw gauge accuracy: 0.01 mm


2. Mass

2.1. Electronic beam balance accuracy: 0.1g

3. Time

3.1. Digital stopwatch accuracy:0.01s

3.2. Analogue stopwatch: 0.1s

3.3. Human reaction error usually 0.3s

4. Seven basic quantities where other physical quantities can be derived from.

4.1. Length (m)

4.2. Mass (kg)

4.3. Time (s)

4.4. Electric current (A)

4.5. Thermodynamic temperature (K) (kelvin)

4.6. Luminous intensity (Cd) candela

4.7. Amt of substance (mol) mole

5. Prefixes in Units

5.1. tera (T) 10.12

5.2. giga (G) 10.9

5.3. mega (M) 10.6

5.4. kilo (k) 10.3

5.5. hecto (h) 10.2

5.6. deka (da) 10.1

5.7. deci (d) 10.-1

5.8. centi (c) 10-2

5.9. milli (m) 10-3

5.10. micro (u) 10-6

5.11. nano (n) 10-9

5.12. pico (p) 10-12

5.13. femto (f) 10-15