Physical Quantities and Units

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Physical Quantities and Units by Mind Map: Physical Quantities and Units

1. Length(m).

1.1. The Metre Rule

1.1.1. Precision = 1 mm/ 0.1 cm

1.2. The Vernier Calipers

1.2.1. Precision = 0.1 mm/ 0.01 cm

1.3. Micrometre Screw Gauge

1.3.1. Precision = 0.01 mm/ 0.001 cm

2. Mass(kg)

2.1. Mass is different from weight

2.2. Measured with electronic beam balance

2.2.1. Precision = 0.1 g

3. Time(s)

3.1. Measured with a digital stopwatch

3.1.1. Precision = 0.01 s

4. Prefixes

4.1. tera = T = 10^12

4.2. giga = G = 10^9

4.3. mega = M = 10^6

4.4. kilo = k = 10^3

4.5. hecto = h =10^2

4.6. deka = da = 10^1

4.7. deci = d =10^-1

4.8. centi = c =10^-2

4.9. milli = m = 10^-3

4.10. micro = (i cant find the unit) = 10^-6

4.11. nano = n = 10^-9

4.12. pico = p = 10^-12

4.13. femto = f = 10^-15