Tips for Effective Visuals in a presentation

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Tips for Effective Visuals in a presentation por Mind Map: Tips for Effective Visuals in a presentation

1. Text

1.1. One line of text per bullet

1.1.1. New node

1.2. Keep text to a minimum

1.3. Use spacing effectively

1.4. Bold headings for emphasis

1.5. No paragraphs on the slide

1.6. consider relevant graphics to replace text- such as screenshots, pictures

1.7. Organize related items together

2. Rationale

2.1. Howard Gardner: Multiple Intelligence Theory

2.2. Dual coding theory: verbal & visuals are stored differently in the brain

3. Titles

3.1. Should represent theme of slide

3.2. Use catchy titles to grab attention

3.3. Should be Succinct

4. visuals

4.1. Use relevant images

4.2. Use common symbols

5. Charts

5.1. Put Title on top

5.2. Keep titles clear

5.3. Use Scales:


5.3.2. possibly emphasize contrast between data points, as ethically as possible

5.3.3. contain info about UNITS

5.4. Watch formatting

5.4.1. Labels & Titles should not be cut off

5.5. Include legend

5.6. Keep it simple