Collaborative Tools

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Collaborative Tools by Mind Map: Collaborative Tools

1. Social Interaction

1.1. Facebook

1.2. Twitter

1.3. LinkedIn

1.4. Instagram

2. Communications

2.1. Video Conferencing

2.1.1. Skype

2.1.2. Windows Live

2.2. Audio conferencing

2.2.1. Skype

2.2.2. YIM

2.3. Web Conferencing

2.3.1. WebEx

2.3.2. GoToMeeting

2.4. Instant Messaging

2.4.1. GTalk

2.4.2. Windows Live

2.4.3. Skype

3. Document Construction

3.1. wikis

3.1.1. OpenTeams

3.1.2. Springnote

3.1.3. WIkispaces

3.2. Google

3.2.1. Google Docs

3.2.2. Google Wave

3.2.3. Google Sites

4. Organization

4.1. Course Management

4.1.1. Blackboard

4.1.2. Moodle

4.1.3. Sakai

4.2. Project Management Tools

4.2.1. WebEx WebOffice

4.2.2. Basecamp

4.2.3. GoPlan

4.2.4. ProjectSpaces

4.3. Collaborative Concept Mapping

4.3.1. Comapping

4.3.2. Mindmeister

4.3.3. WriteMaps

4.4. File Sharing

4.4.1. Slideshare


4.4.3. Dropbox

4.4.4. Sharepoint

4.5. Creative/Desing Collaboration

4.5.1. Concept Share

4.5.2. Octopz

4.6. List/Task Management

4.6.1. Backpack

4.6.2. Loose Stitch

4.6.3. Ta-da Lists