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Competence-what by Mind Map: Competence-what

1. Untitled

2. ? how much of a novice should our graduate be and how much of an expert ?

3. CanMeds

4. Tommorrows Doctors

4.1. Outcomes

4.1.1. Practitioner

4.1.2. Professional

4.1.3. Scholar&Scientist

4.2. Educational resources and capacity

4.3. Management of teaching, learning and assessment

4.4. Support and development of students, teachers and the local faculty

4.5. Design and delivery of the curriculum, including assessment

4.6. Student selection

4.7. Equality, diversity and opportunity

4.8. Quality assurance, review and evaluation

4.9. Patient safety

5. Knowledge

5.1. Cardiology

5.1.1. Bolezni perikarda Untitled Untitled

5.1.2. Bolezni endokarda Untitled Untitled

5.1.3. Bolezni zaklopk

5.1.4. Prevodni sistem srca

5.1.5. Miokard

5.1.6. Srčne žile

5.1.7. Aorta in arterije

5.1.8. Vene

6. Skills

6.1. knowledge of skills

6.1.1. history taking

6.1.2. communication introduction consent seeking patient education

6.1.3. clinical examination

6.1.4. professionalism ethics legislation

6.1.5. invasiive diagnostic procedures

6.1.6. invasice therapeutic procedures

6.2. performance in controlled simulated environment

6.3. performance in controlled real environement

6.4. everyday performance

7. Attitudes