Ranking factors

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Ranking factors by Mind Map: Ranking factors

1. Offpage

1.1. Backlink Profile

1.1.1. Relevancy of sites linking in

1.1.2. relevancy of pages linking in

1.1.3. quality of sites linking in

1.1.4. qualitiy of webpages linking in

1.1.5. backlinks withing network of site

1.1.6. Co-Citation

1.1.7. Link profile diversity

1.1.8. anchor text diversity

1.1.9. different Ip adresses of linking sites

1.1.10. geographicaly diversity

1.1.11. different TLD's

1.1.12. Topical diversity

1.1.13. different type of linking sites

1.1.14. diversity of link placements

1.1.15. Authority Links per Inbound Link (White List)

1.1.16. Backlinks from BN (absence / presence of backlinks from flagged sites)

1.1.17. Reciprocal links ratio (relevant to the overall backlink profile)

1.1.18. Social media links ratio (links from social media sites versus overall backlink profile)

1.1.19. Backlinks trends and patterns (like sudden spikes or drops of backlink number)

1.1.20. Citations in Wikipedia and Dmoz

1.1.21. Backlink profile historical records (ever caught for link buying/selling, etc)

1.1.22. Backlinks from social bookmarking sites

1.2. Each Backlink

1.2.1. rel="attribute" of link rev="attribute" of link

1.2.2. Title attribute of a link (?)

1.2.3. Anchor text of a link (and Alt tag of images linking)

1.2.4. Location of a link (footer, navigation, body text)

1.2.5. Authority of a page linking in

1.2.6. Authority of a domain linking in

1.2.7. Authority of TLD (.com versus .gov)

2. Others

2.1. Visitor Profile and Behavior (8)

2.1.1. SearchWiki notes/manipulations

2.1.2. Sidewiki contributions

2.1.3. How often the listing is clicked within the SERPs (relevant to other listings)

2.1.4. Visiting trends and patterns (like sudden spiked in incoming traffic)

2.1.5. Visitors’ browsing habits (which other sites they tend to visit)

2.1.6. Bounce rate

2.1.7. Visitors’ demographics

2.1.8. Number of visits

2.1.9. brand search

2.2. Server Side (7)

2.2.1. Server GEO Location

2.2.2. Server Uptime

2.2.3. Server Latency

2.2.4. Speed

2.2.5. Domain IP

2.2.6. Changes in Time

2.2.7. Neighbors

2.3. Domain

2.3.1. History

2.3.2. Owner Change

2.3.3. Registration

2.3.4. Age

2.3.5. Lenght of time

2.3.6. Owner hidden

2.3.7. TLD

2.3.8. Geography Match

2.3.9. Non-geographical (e.g. .com versus .info)

2.3.10. Subdomain

2.3.11. EMD

2.3.12. Non Linked Mentions

2.3.13. Presence in GNEWS

2.3.14. Presence in Blog Search

2.3.15. In G-Shopping

2.3.16. Adwords

2.3.17. Adsense

2.3.18. Analytics

2.3.19. Custom Search

2.3.20. WMT

2.3.21. Geotarget

2.4. Penalties, Filters and Manipulation (12)

2.4.1. 301 flags: Double re-directs/re-direct loops, or re-directs ending in 404 error

2.4.2. Past hackers’ attacks records

2.4.3. History of past penalties for other properties of this owner (?)

2.4.4. History of past penalties for this owner

2.4.5. History of past penalties for this domain

2.4.6. Duplicate Content (external duplication)

2.4.7. Hidden Text

2.4.8. Cloaking

2.4.9. Spamming records (comment, forums, other link spam)

2.4.10. Link selling flag

2.4.11. Link buying flag

2.4.12. Keyword over usage / Keyword stuffing

2.5. Brand/Author Reputation (8)

2.5.1. External citations of

2.5.2. Use of Google products

2.5.3. Orkut

2.5.4. Knol

2.5.5. Adwords

2.5.6. Adsense

2.5.7. Gmail

2.5.8. Social Graph of author

2.5.9. G+

3. Onpage

3.1. Internal Cross Linking (5)

3.1.1. Of links using “nofollow” attribute (?) Internal link density

3.1.2. Of internal links to page from content (instead of navigation bar, breadcrumbs, etc)

3.1.3. Of internal links to page with identical / targeted anchor text

3.1.4. Of internal links to page

3.1.5. Internal Link density

3.2. Website Factors

3.2.1. Privacy Policy

3.2.2. RSS / ATOm Feed

3.2.3. Website Robots.txt file content

3.2.4. Update frequency

3.2.5. Site size (number of pages)

3.2.6. Sitemaps

3.2.7. XML

3.2.8. HTML

3.2.9. Trust Flags

3.2.10. About US

3.2.11. Contact Info

3.2.12. Terms of service

3.2.13. Website Category

3.2.14. Ecommerce

3.2.15. Informational

3.2.16. Blog

3.3. Page Specific Factors

3.3.1. Age

3.3.2. Robots tags

3.3.3. Freshness

3.3.4. Frequency of edits

3.3.5. % Of page effected changed by page edits

3.3.6. internal DC

3.3.7. Reading level

3.3.8. Load Time (Subfaktors)

3.3.9. Type/category

3.3.10. number of internal links to

3.3.11. number of external links to

3.4. Architecture

3.4.1. URL Structure

3.4.2. HTML Structure

3.4.3. Semantik

3.4.4. External Files

3.4.5. Layout Check JS Images CSS Iframes embeds

3.4.6. Accessibility W3C valid

3.4.7. Use of Canonical attributes

3.5. Content

3.5.1. Language

3.5.2. Uniqueness

3.5.3. Amount of text

3.5.4. Unlinked content density (links versus text)

3.5.5. Pure text content ratio (without links, images, code, etc)

3.5.6. Content topicality / timeliness (for seasonal searches for example);

3.5.7. Semantic information (phrase-based indexing and co-occurring phrase indicators)

3.5.8. Content flag for general category (transactional, informational, navigational)

3.5.9. Flagged keywords usage (gambling, dating vocabulary)

3.5.10. Text within images?

3.5.11. Hidden Text

3.5.12. Malicious content (possibly added by hackers)?

3.5.13. Rampant mis-spelling of words, bad grammar, and 10,000 word screeds without punctuation

3.5.14. Use of absolutely unique/new phrases

3.6. KW Usage & Prominence

3.6.1. Page Title

3.6.2. presence of

3.6.3. relative location withing

3.6.4. IMG ALT Tags

3.6.5. Anchor tags of internal links

3.6.6. Visual Markup

3.6.7. Headings

3.6.8. Style Italics Bold Underline Color

3.6.9. Body text

3.6.10. Presence of

3.6.11. Relative Location

3.6.12. Synonym Usage

3.6.13. Filenames

3.6.14. URL

3.7. Outbound Links

3.7.1. Per domain

3.7.2. per page

3.7.3. Quality of pages the site links in

3.7.4. Links to bad neighborhoods

3.7.5. Relevancy of outbound links

3.7.6. Links to 404 an other error pages

3.7.7. Hot Linked Images