Euphony Quick Starter Guide

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Euphony Quick Starter Guide by Mind Map: Euphony Quick Starter Guide

1. BC 1

1.1. £100 to you

1.2. BC 1 - 5 Customers

1.2.1. £50 to BC 1

1.2.2. £100 Quick Start to you

1.3. Level 2 BC

1.3.1. 5 Customers £50 to BC £50 Quick Start to you

2. When the above in place - 5 BCs in total - 30 Customers in total

2.1. £700 BONUS

3. BC 2

3.1. BC 2 - 5 Customers

3.1.1. £50 to BC 2

3.1.2. £100 Quick Start to you

3.2. Level 2 BC

3.2.1. 5 Customers £50 to BC £50 Quick Start to you

3.3. Level 2 BC

3.3.1. 5 Customers £50 to BC £50 Quick Start to you

4. Your first 5 Customers

4.1. £50 to you

5. Your 2nd 5 Customers

5.1. £50 to you