The Eccentricity of England

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The Eccentricity of England by Mind Map: The Eccentricity of England

1. Literary,Song and Poem

1.1. Jabberwocky

1.2. I am the Walrus

1.3. Nosense

1.4. On the Ning Nang Nong

2. Eccentric People

2.1. People

2.2. Mr. Bean

2.3. Wallace & Gromit

2.4. Dandy

2.4.1. Dandy Magazin

2.4.2. What's Dandy?

2.5. Monty Pyton

2.5.1. Who is Monty Pyhton

2.5.2. Video

2.6. The Goons

2.7. Eccentric Club

3. Eccentric Roistering

3.1. Stupid Laws

3.2. Corner Speakers of Hype Park

3.3. JO 2012

3.4. Royal Ascot Ladies Day

3.4.1. Video

3.4.2. Cartoon

4. Games,Championship

4.1. World Toe Wrestling Championships

4.2. Wife Carrying Races

4.3. World Custard pie Championship

4.4. Sheep Racing

4.5. Mud Racing

4.6. The Swamp Soccer World Cup

4.7. Cheese-Rolling and Wake

5. Eccentricity of Fashion

5.1. Russell Brand

5.2. Vivienne Westwood

5.3. John Galliano

5.4. Alexander McQueen

6. Quiz

7. Eccentric Bet