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Computer by Mind Map: Computer

1. Benefits: Allows teachers the ability to modify trackprogress of the students work.

1.1. Gives learners with limited hand writing skills the ability to effectively write, edit, modify and save their documents.

1.2. Gives teachers the ability to edit, review and grade the written work of students.

2. Definition: Used to input data into and/or send commands to the computer.

3. Input

3.1. Difference: This is required before the output can be created.

3.2. Example: Keyboard

3.3. Application to Learning:

3.4. Challenges:

3.4.1. Requires students to have basic keyboarding skills.

3.4.2. Not suited for all learners. For example, learners with limited dexterity may have issues with the small keys of the traditional keyboard.

4. Output

4.1. Definition: Used to produce data generated from the user by the cmputer.

4.2. Difference: Devices that move data out of the comouter.

4.3. Example: Printer

4.4. Application to Learning: Provides hard copied of work produced by learners and feedback given my teachers.

4.5. Benefits

4.5.1. For more linear and tactile learners, seeing the hard copy of the thier work may be easier for them to review.

4.5.2. Provides a hard copy of the finished product in the event the database is unavailable.

4.5.3. Provides additional copies of the work.

4.6. Challenges

4.6.1. The cost of printer ink is an additional expense that teachers need to be aware of.

4.6.2. Excessive printing can result as learners adjust settings and other features.