1. Technology Theories
1.1. Media Ecology
1.1.1. The study of Media (or complex-communication systems) as an environment rather than an object.as well as the study of environments as Media.
1.1.2. Suggests that Media influences people in society more than society affects what happens with Media.
1.1.3. Media affects how we communicate, our perceptions, values and understandings. Media Ecology looks at how this may hinder our chances of survival as we are becoming dependent on things completely external from ourselves.
1.1.4. Cannot be defined, yet, by a single entry as it's suggestions are multifaceted.
1.1.5. Implies a relinquish of control.
1.2. Social Construction of Technology (SCOT)
1.2.1. A Science and Technology Studies Theory.
1.2.2. Argues against claims made by Media Ecology, and suggests that humans are not shaped by technology, but rather we use technology to aid us in the completion of tasks we decided to, unaffected by external influences.
1.2.3. Claims that technologists are completely aware of the social contexts the technology will be placed in and plan accordingly for success in it's influences and outcomes.
1.2.4. Also referred to as "social constructivism"
1.2.5. Highly supports integration of technology resources into the classroom and other learning environments.
2. TPACK: Technology, Pedagogy, And Content Knowledge True integration of technology into one's pedagogical practices is achieved while simultaneously having mastered the content of your particular subject area is achieved within the context of your classroom and intrapersonal relationships with your students
2.1. T - Technology Having knowledge in the area of technology
2.1.1. TCK: Technological Content Knowledge The ability to combine your knowledge in the areas of technology and your particular area of expertise as a means of educating your students using digital tools TPK: Technological Pedagogy Knowledge: The ability to combine your knowledge in the areas of teaching and technology as a means of educating your students
2.2. P - Pedagogy Having pedagogical knowledge, that is knowledge of how to teach
2.2.1. PCK - Pedagogical Content Knowledge The ability to combine your knowledge in the areas of teaching and your particular subject area of expertise as a means of educating your students
2.3. C - Content Having knowledge on the content (your subject area of expertise)
2.4. Context: The TPACK Model is placed in a dotted-line circle to implicate that such a model can only be defined as sufficient when the context of the classroom (i.e. age group, student's prior knowledge, classroom atmosphere, etc) is taken into consideration
3. Philosophy of Teachnology
3.1. Pros
3.1.1. Risk-taking; can be scary but is worth-while
3.1.2. Multiple contexts and mediums are necessary as this is what our students will experience in their real world experiences.
3.1.3. Audience: Interpretation is largely influenced by context.
3.1.4. Purpose: The more resources you have via technology the more enabled you are rhetorically.
3.1.5. Rhetor: Without the proper tools, one is at a disadvantage when completing a particular task. VOTE: Visual: images, fonts Oral: articulation, deliverance, listening Textual:reading, inquiring, analyzing, organization, writing, editing Ethical: Cultural sensitivity, equality, access, social reformation,
3.2. Technological Classroom Issues
3.2.1. Digital illiteracy
3.2.2. Multiple Writing Forms (blogs, journals); many informal
3.2.3. Inaccessibility
4. Learning Theories
4.1. Connectivism
4.1.1. Learning comes from a variety of sources (many media-based), rather than learning directly from the teacher, teacher is more of a guide to aid you in finding alternative resources.
4.1.2. Knowing where to find information is more important than the amount of information you already know.
4.1.3. Knowledge is external to the learner, making collaboration vital for success.
4.1.4. Learner must actively participate in the learning process as traditional lecture-style classrooms are not a part of Connectivist theories
4.1.5. Creating connections is vital for this learning theory. This is why Personal Learning Networks would be highly valued to many Connectivists.
4.1.6. Utilizes digital tools in educational environments. The tools used are not as important as the connections made with them.
4.2. Constructivism
4.2.1. Knowledge is constructed by the learner rather than external.This makes previous knowledge more important as it is the foundation for constructing new knowledge.
4.2.2. More responsibility on learner to in regards to their education, as they must practice meta-cognitive abilities to enhance learning, veto, and adjust previously stored knowledge based on what new information is being received and it's relative importance.
4.2.3. Collaboration is key as oppose to competition.
4.2.4. Use of multiple intelligences, using individually-constructed knowledge and understanding to solve problems in the real world.
4.2.5. Knowledge Construction rather than reproduction.
4.2.6. Requires reflection and constant reconfiguration.
4.3. Cognitive Load Theory
4.3.1. Importance lays in linking information in the working memory, to already stored information (long-term memory), so it can later be readily available within the learner's mind for their use..
4.3.2. There are three types of Cognitive Loads. Extraneous: Involves inefficient instruction preventing information in working-memory to be connected with knowledge in the learner's long-term memory. Intrinsic:Inefficient do to complexity in working-memory. Germane Appropriate and effective load as it results in connections being made between new information in the working-memory and old information in long-term memory. This results in the absorption of new knowledge. :
4.3.3. Utilizes practices such as: chunking (the grouping together of small bits of meaningful information), repetition, thorough organization of concepts, visuals/ audios and informational contexts for better memory retention.