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Theories by Mind Map: Theories

1. Technology Theories

1.1. SCOT

1.1.1. Social Construction of Technology

1.1.2. Technology does not shape human action, human action shapes technology. Known as technological constructivism. Technological constructivism.

1.1.3. SCOT can be used to analyze technological failures and successes.

1.1.4. Technology may be viewed as useful by certain relevant groups, and deemed sub par by others.

1.1.5. Conflict between relevant groups can lead to technological advances, when design features are adjusted to meet certain criteria, technology is shaped by human action.

1.2. Media Ecology

1.2.1. The study of media environments

1.2.2. Technology plays a large part of human affairs. Technological determinism.

1.2.3. The study of complex communication systems as environments.

1.2.4. How does our interaction with media technology facilitate or impede our survival? What roles does media force us to play, structure what see, impact what we feel and do?

2. Teachnology

2.1. This is a teaching and technology philosophy

2.2. It is something that can be developed with experience and time

2.3. Part of your philosophy would be what ways are best to incorporate technology into teaching

2.4. Your philosophy would include the components of alignment, accessibility, assessment, and reinforcement

3. Learning Theories

3.1. Constructivist

3.1.1. Learners assume responsibility for there own learning

3.1.2. Learning is an active process, there is an emphasis on collaboration with others. Different perspectives come together to form a shared understanding.

3.1.3. Previous learning creates a foundation on which new learning/knowledge can be constructed.

3.1.4. All learners have previous knowledge and experience. This effects how they will perceive new information and construct new learning.

3.2. Cognitive Load

3.2.1. Cognitive Load Theory is a theory used to explain the limits of human memory. 3 types of cognitive load: Extraneous: Forces working memory away from building schemas for long term memory. Intrinsic: Irreducible complexity of working elements in working memory. Germane: Effortful learning resulting in schema construction. Automation follows.

3.2.2. It is based on our knowledge of human cognitive architecture.

3.2.3. Cognitive architecture is the concept that our minds have structures, such as working memory, long term memory, and schemas.

3.2.4. working memory can only handle 7 items at once, any more than this and there is cognitive overload.

3.2.5. Working memory develops schemas for long term memory.

3.3. Connectivism

3.3.1. Making connections that allow us to learn more are more important than what we currently know.

3.3.2. Learning can take place outside of the human brain.

3.3.3. Learning is connecting with information sources.

3.3.4. It's about increasing our capacity to know more.

3.3.5. acknowledges that information changes, and focuses on making sure our information is accurate and current, because knowledge is changing constantly. It is subjective, and can change based on the climate/the perceiver.


4.1. TPACK is defined as the technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge used in a classroom. There are 7 components to TPACK.

4.1.1. 1. Technology knowledge

4.1.2. 2. Pedagogical knowledge

4.1.3. 3. Content knowledge

4.1.4. 4. Pedagogical content knowledge

4.1.5. 5. Technological content knowledge

4.1.6. 6. Technological pedagogical knowledge

4.1.7. 7. Technological pedagogical content knowledge

4.2. Framework of knowledge that teachers need to teach effectively using technology.

4.3. Content: knowledge of the subject area

4.4. Technology: usage of information technologies. Promoting usage by students.

4.5. Pedagogy: knowledge of classroom strategies and learning theories.