Initial Ideas

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Initial Ideas by Mind Map: Initial Ideas

1. Girl being followed by something

1.1. Ghost/dead person

1.2. Could be being followed by a ghost of themselves

2. Forest/Woods

2.1. Go camping, end up being stalked by a possessed person/creepy person

2.2. Someone hiding in the woods trying to scare them

3. Dark lighting

3.1. Figures could be hiding in the darkness to look more disturbing. Girl being stalked by something

3.2. Adds more mystery and suspense

4. Camera

4.1. Quick, short shots to add suspense and build up tention and keep it fast paced

4.2. Canted/Dutch angles so the audience know something is wrong

4.3. Shots were the character is obstructed by an object

4.4. POV shots so we see what the character is seeing from their eyes

5. Theme

5.1. Stalked

5.1.1. Character could be being followed by serial killer

5.2. Isolation

5.3. Paranoia

5.4. Slasher

5.4.1. Lots of blood/gore

5.5. Revenge

5.5.1. The character could of been bullied or had bullied someone so they are going to seek revenge by stalking them and then brutally killing them

6. Butterfly Effect - The blackouts of what happened, the nose bleeds.

6.1. Wakes up and cant remember what had happened and then slowly remember what they have done

7. Psychological - Going insane, seeing things that arent actually happening.

7.1. Kills innocent people

7.2. Hears voices in her head, telling her to do bad things

7.3. Whispering voices

8. A girl seeing people as mutants/zombies

8.1. All in her head

8.1.1. Ends up killing innocent people because she thinks they are going to attack her

9. Flashbacks/Flashforwards

9.1. Horrific flashbacks of something they have done

9.2. Flash-forwards of what they are going to do, could look at someone then see what they will do to them (killing them in some way), seeing their death

10. Sound

10.1. Sounds that fit with the location/environment

10.1.1. If the location is a forest there will be sounds of nature/birds/trees this will be incorporated with creepy horror tones so that it sounds more realistic with more a horror twist to it

10.2. Heartbeats

10.2.1. Starts of slow then increases as the pace gets fasted and more action happens. This will increase suspense and fear

10.3. Screams

10.3.1. Stream at the end to leave it at a cliff hanger to increase the suspense