1. Trail Map
1.1. Actions that can be implemented and drive mainstream change in less than 10 years.
1.2. We have agreed on a strategy for moving forward.
1.3. An action agenda--roadmap--even if loosely defined.
1.4. An action plan for moving forward to continue utilizing the minds and organization at this summit (maintain involvement and energy level).
1.5. Se commitment--even if broadly scoped--with next steps & overall timeline defined--including a pathway for our future participation/input.
1.6. Identify most impactful purpose and mission, and then initiatives that would support that vision.
1.7. Clarity on overall objectives and next steps.
1.8. 100 bright minds orchestrate 100 folks for catalyzing the built environment to enhance human health.
1.9. Making the right connections and planning the first steps of a strategy to move forward
1.10. Basic framework of what we're trying to accomplish. Tangible action items, with owners, on next steps.
1.11. Clear initiatives that we believe would have the most impact on health in built environment. Identify where we could best help.
1.12. A clear set of next steps/action items.
1.12.1. A roadmap for next steps--don't let momentum slip.
1.12.2. To walk away with a concrete series of actionable steps to begin to create results.
1.12.3. People know what to do next & we have at least 1 solid step that we can do next.
1.12.4. We have at least one actionable item(s) that the group agrees to do/create AND it must be a project, not a statement or policy goal.
1.12.5. Having a clear set of actions/next steps identified and feeling confident an action plan will evolve.
1.13. The beginning of a movement with a pragmatic set of steps to move forward with transparency & collaboration.
1.14. Identifying specific actions that will enhance specific human health gains.
1.15. Within 6 months, a defined list of tasks that can be use to move the field forward.
1.16. An action plan for follow-up on the ideas discussed.
1.17. Ideas for action plan on the ground in No. California (framing, action plan)
2. Vision, Mission, and Purpose
2.1. Establish common purpose + clarity of what "healthy" means.
2.2. Create a vision for material health that gets us better, healthier products that are good for the environment.
2.3. Path toward defining the scope and vision of this emerging initiative.
2.4. An agreed upon: vision statement, mission (purpose), org. goals.
2.5. Clarity: 1. Near term vision. 2. Next step for "this" work.
2.6. A clear understanding of what we are trying to accomplish in the next 3 years.
2.7. Defining the scope, Clarifying the vision, Finding the key gaps. (HAIKU)
2.8. Having a definition of our intent for health-related initiatives: What is/are USGBC's role(s)? What is USGBC's place? What is OUR work vs. other entities' work and how do we hone in on that?
3. Misc.
3.1. New ideas for approaching a complex set of issues
3.2. This meeting is remembered as a key event in the transformational change that follows.
3.3. An end of the frustration of the past 13 years and a beginning of a solution to the identification of and elimination of toxic chemicals in buildings.
3.4. In 10 years >50% of kids walking or bicycling to school with declining rates of injuries.
3.5. Building health impact assessments to the forefront.
3.6. Incentivizing manufacturers to transform industry and make supply chains completely transparent.
3.7. People leave with more exciting questions + possibilities (perhaps even more questions than absolute solutions).
4. Defining a Health Framework
4.1. Defining a new health framework for future tools/program
4.2. Healthy building is a catalyst for healthy products, healthy factories, healthy construction sites, healthy communities.
4.3. Clear definition of the issue; ideas on actions steps to take to connect, measure, and show linkage and impact between green and health.
4.4. Consensus on what component(s) of "health" we are really trying to impact.
4.5. Definition of "human health" in context of building process & built environment.
4.6. Priorities--most important issues for health building.
4.7. Priority issues for human/environmental health are defined as per buildings.
4.8. Inclusion of focus on eliminating chemicals of concern in products.
4.9. More clarity of GB and health goals. How I/my organization can contribute.
4.10. Define the components of "Designing for Wellness" and demonstrate how those components flow across the LEED categories.
4.11. Establish a foundation for an ongoing problem definition.
5. Paradigm shift
5.1. Building industry designs, builds, + operates facilities that provide healthy environments for people.
5.2. A healthy world values what already exists. A healthy world reduces consumption (and the resulting toxicity and environmental degradation) by reducing replacement and extending service life of all objects (that aren't toxic), especially our largest, buildings.
5.3. Walkable, vibrant, inspiring buildings + neighborhoods as the norm for all.
5.4. Where THIS is how we create spaces, buildings, communities, and societies.
5.5. No one talks about it any more--it is the way we do things. Changing norms, habits.
5.6. A paradigm shift generated starting today--all buildings and neighborhoods expected to be healthy places.
5.7. When people (regular people & design professionals) understand that you can't really talk about health without including communities & the people in them; the buildings are only a tool.
5.8. Healthier indoor environments
6. Expanding/Collaboration
6.1. Joining groups to continue in this effort
6.2. Leader Stakeholder engagement commitment
6.3. Collaborative relationships that execute on a tangible project that demonstrates our collective competencies (what are we each going to do when we return home?)
6.4. Worker Health NIH, EPA
6.4.1. Workers health and safety are a key focus of this effort
6.4.2. Recognition that the safety and health of workers who build, clean, renovate and maintain buildings is part of an enhanced vision of health green buildings. Contact: Matt Gillen, NIOSH
6.4.3. Articulating a strong enough plan that convinces the US EPA to become fully engaged in supporting this new direction.
6.5. A full appreciation of the individuals, groups, etc. that should be encompassed in creating buildings for human health.
6.6. A robust movement of many organizations and people from many sectors, all collaborating for healthy building.
6.7. Connect with new people/new ideas around health and built environment.
6.8. Success must include the incorporation of disadvantaged communities' needs. It concerned me greatly that the lack of healthy/green building in disadvantaged communities was seen as intractable and not a part of this group's focus.
6.9. Reach out to others, e.g. equity organizations, to ensure language + outreach is widespread.
6.10. New network of professional contacts from varied disciplines
6.11. Collaborate with colleagues to leverage different areas of expertise to achieve these goals.
6.12. Designers & building owners will start sharing lessons learned on health measurement in a streamlined & centralized way.
6.13. Collaboration & support from various organizations, especially the medical profession.
6.14. Creating a collaborative coalition of NGOs focused on built environment and health
7. Research
7.1. To be ready to kick off BIG DATA collecting efforts--crowd-sourced but high quality.
7.2. set of objectives for research
7.3. Initiative for research to support the connection of green building and our well being.
7.4. Clear commitment and next steps to immediate action to reduce use of hazardous chemicals in building while simultaneously supporting research.
7.5. Catalizing long term NSF/NIH/EPA + DOD investments in building research that quantifies the benefits of specific building and community actions that enhance human health.
7.6. Identify sources of funding to support research to achieve these goals.
8. PR/Messaging
8.1. Widespread public awareness and intuitive understanding of what a healthy built environment means, and the individual & political will to catalyze large scale change.
8.2. USGBC commitment to institutional changes that allow greater participation by building users and occupants (also A+E, vendors) concerned about health effects.
8.3. Focus on climate change: that the building community, using health messages, causes reductions in carbon emissions (and toxic chemical exposures) and promotes climate adaptive change in built environment.
8.4. USGBC advocates human health through advocacy + education leading to industry awareness of the issues + further industry transformation.
8.5. A new language to communicate & inspire; language to catalyze a broad public coaliltion & understanding; an accessible language that still carries technical integrity.
8.6. Succinct, potent, impactful messaging that resonates.
8.7. Plan for rapidly educating the masses with accurate health data that resonates
8.8. An outreach plan for "missing" advocates
8.9. Disseminate concepts to stakeholders & public.
9. Working with Standards (LEED & other)
9.1. Clear direction for the Board re: 1 What is encompassed by the topic; 2 the role that USGBC should play in advancing health in green buildings; 3 the role of LEED.
9.2. Direction for thinking about how LEED might move forward on "health"
9.3. Valid, meaningful standards, supported by evidence, are defined and widely used.
9.4. Long term: incorporate health outcomes in LEED certification of green buildings.
9.5. Unifying health-based standards/benchmarks used to evaluate healthy buildings.
9.6. Clarification of USGBC goals for this initiative: strategy, tactics, increments, flexibility (things will change)
9.7. Consensus/sense of the group statement that health & productivity drive the economic value of green buildings with direction to USGBC that this economic-social value be explicitly weighted & incorporated into v4 point weightings.
9.8. A performance-oriented approach to the IEQp1 (air quality method) is allowed.
9.9. Metrics
9.9.1. A clear way of showing a client/user the "measure' of health ("rating", target score, etc.)
9.9.2. That we count # of people affected in disease prevention, not just # of buildings improved.
9.9.3. Identify powerful new metric that helps people make better choices.