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Acceleration by Mind Map: Acceleration

1. Position

1.1. Origin

1.2. x-,y-,z- components

2. Vectors

3. Average Accelaration=change in velocity/change in time

4. Instantanous Acceleration: acceleration at one point

5. Newtons First Law: An object remains at rest unless acted upon by an outside force

6. Values

7. Values

7.1. a=0

7.1.1. equations can be used

7.2. constant acceleration

7.2.1. equations can be used

7.3. non constant acceleration

8. Newtons Second Law: F=ma

9. Displacement: change in position

10. Velocity

10.1. Average Velocity=change in displacement/change in time

10.2. Instantaneous Velocity: velocity at a specific time

10.3. Velocity/Position/Accelartion Maps

11. Units: m/s^2

12. Mass: Amount of Matter that makes something up

13. Relative Velocity

13.1. Reference Frame