Project Plan for Online & Hybrid Committee at LAGCC

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Project Plan for Online & Hybrid Committee at LAGCC by Mind Map: Project Plan for Online & Hybrid Committee at LAGCC

1. Jetmir

1.1. Create Training for Faculty on Web Tools. March schedule is up and ready to go.

1.2. Work with Caridad on creating the Faculty Page

1.3. Add a message on Blackboard

1.4. Willing to speak to Advisors or any-other group in the college

2. Burhan, Stephen

2.1. Provide Terry with updated list of Online & Hybrid courses

2.2. TBD: Form to teach an Online & Hybrid Course

2.3. Add synchronous online sections of hybrid classes to form: See MAT096.1529 for details

3. Santo

3.1. Inform Program Director coming from Paul or their Chairs

3.2. Message to Advisors

3.3. ePortfolio Message on the page about Online & Hybrid Classes

4. Steve

4.1. Interested figuring out room savings with Juan

4.2. Willing to help anyone who needs help with their assignments

5. Terry

5.1. Updating the Website (Remove One location for all Add a date refresh on the page

5.2. Update the site with with updated list of Online and hybrid courses

5.3. created a new Online Learning Welcome page

5.4. Updated the welcome statement

5.5. created the redirect

5.6. google analytics and M&C can distribute the reports.

5.7. Create a Feedback form

5.8. Giving rights to Training team to update the page

5.9. Update Site Content

5.10. Add a link to Online workshops offered by Sussan Ko

6. Charles, Cari

6.1. Create A Brand Page for Faculty teaching Online & Hybrid Courses (Jetmir and Santo will provide the content)

6.1.1. Online Learning for Students - Bar

6.1.2. Online & Hybrid Teaching for Students - Bar

6.1.3. FAQs for Students

6.1.4. FAQs for Faculty

6.2. Create a short message which later will be posted to different access points

6.3. Welcome Message to

6.4. Customize CUNYfirst with a message

6.5. Update, place the message to the following page

6.6. Update, place the message to the following page

6.7. News Flash via EveryOne Group. An over all summary email, informing our Faculty with updates regarding College's Online & Hybrid initiative.

6.8. Add the message on the front Student Page

6.9. Add the message on the Faculty Page

6.10. Front page image addition on carousel informing students about Online & Hybrid classes

6.11. carousel on the front page

7. Juan

7.1. Reports on Online & Hybrid classes by semester

7.1.1. semester sequence

7.1.2. Chart by Dept Dept description

7.2. Find out how much space is being saved?

7.2.1. Class Hours Saved

7.2.2. How Many Students (not sure about this)

7.3. Customize My LaGuardia with a message

7.4. eMail Students informing them about Online & Hybrid Courses

7.5. Email students informing them they are enrolled in Hybrid or Online Class

7.6. work w/ Marketing and Communications

7.7. Customize My LaGuardia with a message