Mengungkap Misteri

Indonesia Game Development Mengungkap Misteri

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Mengungkap Misteri by Mind Map: Mengungkap Misteri

1. starting screen

1.1. visuals

1.1.1. Logo game engine (karena masih mengunakan game engine versi gratis)

1.1.2. logo game developper

1.2. Usability

1.2.1. logo contrast with the background

1.3. Functionality

2. screen

2.1. title screen

2.1.1. sound

2.1.2. usability

2.1.3. visuals

2.1.4. functionality

2.2. credit screen

2.2.1. Visuals enter screen of the transition animation name and roles shown in the credits page back button neutral state mouse over state hit state+animation background graphics moving exit screen animation

2.2.2. sound background music back button mouse over hit sound

2.2.3. back button seen bottom left or bottom right of the screen

2.2.4. functionality back botton

3. In-game general

3.1. design

3.2. Visuals-ingame

3.3. Usability

3.4. Functionality

3.5. Sound

3.5.1. BGM

4. Level one - tutorial

4.1. Visuals-non-diegetic UI

4.2. Usability

4.3. Design

4.3.1. level layout

4.3.2. enemies placement in level

4.3.3. Collectables placement in level

4.3.4. Obstacles placement

4.3.5. Progressive difficulty

4.3.6. placement balance

4.3.7. Introduction on new mechanics

4.3.8. Theme consistency

4.4. Visuals-game

4.5. Sound

4.5.1. BGM

4.5.2. enemy attack sound fx

4.5.3. enemy attack hit character sound fx

4.5.4. character collects collectable sound fx

4.6. functionality

4.6.1. background layer 1 and 2 scrolling

4.6.2. gameplay level ground scrolling and platform scrolling

4.6.3. Movement, attack and action are present for enemy A.I

5. gameplay screen

5.1. visuals- non diegetic UI

5.1.1. Hp bar icon hp bar decrease animation hp bar increase animation

5.1.2. skill mp bar mp bar decrease animation mp bar increase animation

5.1.3. switch of skill icons

5.1.4. displays the scores

5.1.5. money credits shown with icon

5.1.6. collectables shown with icon etc, rings, coins collect collectables animation

5.2. Visuals-Spatial UI

5.2.1. damage number to character shown with animation

5.2.2. Enemy damage number shown with animation

5.2.3. character emotion

5.3. Usability

5.3.1. HP bar is contrast from all types of background

5.3.2. MP bar is contrast from all types of background

5.3.3. Height is 1/5 of the screen and width is 1/3 od the screen for HP bar and MP bar,

5.3.4. switch skill icon is contrast with all types of background

5.3.5. score display Is contrast with all types of background

5.3.6. money credit icon and display are contrast with all types of background

5.3.7. collectables icon and display are contrast with all types of background

5.3.8. UI is layout with reference to rule of third and layout is with consideration for user reading order

5.3.9. damage number display contrast with all types of background

5.4. Functionality

5.4.1. HP and MP bar will increase or decrease with gameplay

5.4.2. Skill icons can be switched or toggled

5.4.3. score display updates with gameplay

5.4.4. money credits and collectables display updates with gameplay

6. Pause screen

6.1. Visuals - UI

6.1.1. Darken screen

6.1.2. pause caption

6.1.3. instructions to unpause

6.2. Usability

6.2.1. pause caption and instructions can be seen clearly

6.2.2. pause caption is positioned at the point of focus(rules of third), pause caption size occupies at least 1/6 of the screen

6.2.3. caption contrasts from the background

6.3. Functionality

6.3.1. unpause key

7. Gameover screen

7.1. Visuals

7.1.1. transition to screen animation

7.1.2. gameover caption

7.1.3. restart level button-neutral state, mouse over state, hit state with animation

7.1.4. back to title button- neutral state, mouse over state, hit state with animation ( is applicable)

7.1.5. background graphics

7.1.6. exit screen trasition animation

7.2. Sound

7.2.1. BGM ( non loop)

7.2.2. restart level button - mouse over sound fx, hit sound fx

7.2.3. back to title button - mouse over sound fx, hit sound fx ( if applicable )

7.3. Usability

7.3.1. buttons can be clearly seen

7.3.2. gameover

7.3.3. caption contrasts from background

7.4. Functionality

7.4.1. restart level button and back to title button

8. Victory screen

8.1. Visuals

8.1.1. transition to screen animation

8.1.2. victory caption

8.1.3. next level button - neutral state, mouse over state and hit state with animation

8.1.4. background graphics

8.1.5. exit screen transition animation

8.1.6. score display and collectables display with icon (if applicable)

8.2. sound

8.2.1. BGM

8.2.2. next level buttom - mouse over sound fx and hit sound fx

8.3. Usability

8.3.1. buttons can be clearly seen

8.3.2. victory caption is positioned at the point of focus (rule of third) and victory caption size occupies at least 1/5 of screen

8.3.3. caption contrasts from background

8.3.4. score display contrast from background ( if applicable)

8.3.5. collectables display with icon contrast from the background (if applicable)

8.4. Functionality

8.4.1. restart level button and back to title button