CA History - Social Science Framework and Standards

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CA History - Social Science Framework and Standards by Mind Map: CA History - Social Science Framework and Standards

1. Goals of Knowledge and Cultural Understanding

1.1. Geographical Literacy

1.1.1. 10.4.2. Discuss the locations of the colonial rule of such nations as England, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Russia, Spain, Portugal, and the United States.

1.2. Cultural Literacy

1.2.1. 10.4.3. Explain imperialism from the perspective of the colonizers and the colonized and the varied immediate and long-term responses by the people under colonial rule.

1.3. Ethical Literacy

1.3.1. 10.5.5. Discuss human rights violations and genocide, including the Ottoman government's actions against Armenian citizens.

1.4. Sociopolitical Literacy

1.4.1. 10.6.2. Describe the effects of the war and resulting peace treaties on population movement, the international economy, and shifts in the geographic and political borders of Europe and the Middle East.

2. Goal of Skills Attainment and Social Participation

2.1. Critical Thinking Skills

2.1.1. 10.8.2. Understand the role of appeasement, nonintervention (isolationism), and the domestic distractions in Europe and the United States prior to the outbreak of World War II.

2.2. Basic Study Skills

2.2.1. 10.8.4. Describe the political, diplomatic, and military leaders during the war (e.g., Winston Churchill, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Emperor Hirohito, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, Douglas MacArthur, Dwight Eisenhower).

3. Common Core Habits of Mind

3.1. They come to understand other perspectives and cultures.

3.1.1. 10.4.4. Describe the independence struggles of the colonized regions of the world, including the roles of leaders, such as Sun Yat-sen in China, and the roles of ideology and religion.

3.2. They value evidence.

3.2.1. 10.2.1. Compare the major ideas of philosophers and their effects on the democratic revolutions in England, the United States, France, and Latin America (e.g., John Locke, Charles-Louis Montesquieu, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Simón Bolívar, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison).

3.3. They comprehend as well as critique.

3.3.1. 10.3.6. Analyze the emergence of capitalism as a dominant economic pattern and the responses to it, including Utopianism, Social Democracy, Socialism, and Communism.

4. Goals of Democratic Understanding and Civic Virtues

4.1. Constitutional Heritage

4.1.1. 10.1.2. Trace the development of the Western political ideas of the rule of law and illegitimacy of tyranny, using selections from Plato's Republic and Aristotle's Politics.

4.2. Civic Values, Rights and Responsibilities

4.2.1. 10.1.1. Analyze the similarities and differences in Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman views of law, reason and faith, and duties of the individual