Interactionist Perspective - Learning from Inside and Out

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Interactionist Perspective - Learning from Inside and Out by Mind Map: Interactionist Perspective - Learning from Inside and Out

1. Proponent

1.1. Development of Language

1.2. Learning through experience

1.2.1. Peer to Peer, Child to Adult

1.3. Child learn from what they hear and talk about everyday

1.4. Piaget

1.4.1. Built on conginitive development

1.4.2. Object permanence

1.4.3. Logical inferencing

1.4.4. Based on a symbol system- Shows knowledge

1.5. Vygtsky

1.5.1. Social Interaction

1.5.2. Interactive environemtn

1.5.3. Zone of Proximal Development ( ZPD)

1.5.4. Child and Adult conversations, internalized speech to enhance interaction

2. Principle

2.1. Environment provides what children need to language acquisition

2.2. Interact between child and environment

2.3. Focus on child's environment (Here and Now)

2.4. Important to have interactions in order to help language acquisition

3. Problems and Deficiencies

3.1. Challenging to measure adult and children conversations and interactions

3.2. T.V is a very non-interactive approach to language theory( Especially with example of the deaf child)

3.3. Could have L1 difficulty if cut off from language and interaction too early

4. Implications

4.1. Encourage addictive bilingualim

4.2. Maintance of both L1 and L2 are essential

4.3. Create group and paired work

4.4. Scaffolding instruction for easier understanding and direction

5. 2nd Language Relationship

5.1. Evelyn Hatch amongst others

5.1.1. Conversational interaction is essential for L2 acquisition

5.2. MIchael Long

5.2.1. Modified interaction is necessary for language acquisiton 1. Interactional modification makes input comprehensible 2. Comprehensible input promotes acquisition Therefore, 3. Interactional Modication