Helios Voting System

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Helios Voting System by Mind Map: Helios Voting System

1. Features

1.1. Auditability

1.2. Verifiability

1.3. Privacy/Anonymity (voter secrecy)

1.4. Integrity

1.5. Correctness

2. Techniques

2.1. Crypto

2.1.1. Homomorphic Techniques (El-Gamal)

2.1.2. MixServers (anonymity)

2.1.3. Zero-knowledge Proof

2.1.4. Threshold decryption

2.2. Web-based

2.2.1. HTML

2.2.2. Javascript

2.2.3. LiveConnect

2.2.4. JSON

3. References

3.1. Helios: Web-based Open-Audit Voting

3.2. The Bug That Made Me President a Browser- and Web-Security Case Study on Helios Voting

3.3. Hacking Helios

3.4. Hacking Helios and its impact

3.5. The Open Source Digital Voting Foundation (OSDV)

3.6. Open Voting Consortium

3.7. e-Journal of e-Government

4. Vulnerabilities

4.1. (Client) Browser

4.2. Privacy

4.3. Coercion