Why they are all 'monsters" or creatures

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Why they are all 'monsters" or creatures by Mind Map: Why they are all 'monsters" or creatures

1. Rick

1.1. kills others for a living

1.2. his dreams are known by others, suggesting they were implanted and he's a replicant

1.3. Doesn't show much empathy until the end when Roy dies

1.3.1. after that, saves Rachel

2. Roy

2.1. short tempered

2.2. doesn't show empathy until end either, could be because he's about to die

2.2.1. shows some human qualities

2.3. kills his creator, Tyrell w/o a second thought

2.4. manipulates J.F. Sebastian

2.5. is portrayed as the antagonist in the film

2.6. revenge after Prises death

3. Creature

3.1. portrayed as antagonist from Victor's P.O.V

3.1.1. shows human qualities too when telling his story, like helping de Lacey family also, If he were given a companion, perhaps he wouldn't have been so evil, but we never find out what would really help establish how evil he is whether or not he still wrecks havoc while with a companion. If he keeps his promise and leaves other humans alone, then he's not really a monster.

3.2. Killed 3-4 people in the novel

3.3. human qualitiy