Assessment of Student Learning at TWS
by Elizabeth Meador
1. Student Exhibitions
1.1. Expedition POL
1.1.1. Concepts, skills, experiences
1.2. Indi POL
1.3. FAIR
2. Progress Report
2.1. Expedition Content
2.1.1. Concepts, skills, experiences
2.1.2. Evidence of Learning
2.2. Advisor Narrative
2.2.1. Tools of Learning
2.2.2. ICE
2.3. Skills Classes
2.3.1. Concepts, skills, experiences
2.4. Explore Electives
3. Portfolios
3.1. Demonstration of proficiency in six themes
3.2. Evidence of Learning
3.3. Student reflective narratives
3.3.1. Tracers
3.3.2. Concepts, skills, experiences
4. Conferences
4.1. Concepts, skills, experiences
4.2. Understandings
4.2.1. Proficiencies