1. Inventories
1.1. Stuff
1.1.1. What's there
1.1.2. What each room looks like
1.2. People
1.2.1. What skills people have
1.2.2. What skills people need to learn
1.2.3. Who the tech leaders are
1.2.4. Who people follow/like
2. New Node
3. Supporting parents
3.1. Gotta get em computers and internet access at home if they don't have it
3.2. Better communications
3.2.1. Infinite Campus
3.3. Homework hotline - like Ask Rose
3.4. Using video
3.4.1. Flipping classes
3.4.2. Homework support
3.5. Mastery Connect - Math & LA
4. Supporting student learning
4.1. At school
4.1.1. Pencasts of notes
4.1.2. Active engagement Clickers Projects Data collection Screencasts & videos demonstrating learning
4.2. Away from school
4.2.1. Videos
4.2.2. Notes
4.2.3. Recorded classes
5. Special areas
5.2. Music
5.3. Art
5.4. Phys Ed
5.5. Special Ed
5.6. CD
5.7. BD
5.8. LD
6. Subject area
6.1. Math
6.2. ELA
6.3. Science
6.4. Social Studies
7. W
8. Grade levels
9. Meet with groups of students and teach them
9.1. Like how Sarah meets with Sue Gehn about once per week
9.2. Find out what teachers are doing and what technology fits what they're doing
9.3. Come with ideas but let kids choose and run show
9.4. Have elem and/or ms AT club
9.5. During school
9.6. After school?
9.6.1. Connect with other teachers who run AT clubs
9.6.2. Have badges and other free rewards
9.6.3. New Node
9.6.4. Have rewards that are AT technologies themslves.
9.6.5. iTunes gift cards
9.6.6. Actual device - Android, iPad mini
9.6.7. Smartpen
9.6.8. Get donations from businesses
9.6.9. Partner with DECA and help local businesses with their technology
9.6.10. QR codes for local businesses