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Antigone by Mind Map: Antigone

1. Antigone

1.1. Not the tragic hero

2. Eurydice

2.1. Mother who kills herself in order to bear the tragedy

3. Haemon

3.1. Son of Eurydice who kills himself to bear the tragedy that has happened to Antigone

4. Ismene

4.1. Wary of Antigone's actions but still willing to stand by her family when push comes to shove

5. Creon

5.1. Tragic hero

5.2. Doesn't realize that his pride leads to his downfall

5.2.1. Fatal flaw = hubris

6. The sentry

7. Tiresias

7.1. Nobody ever listens to Tiresias

7.1.1. They probably should

7.1.2. Tiresias = that one kid whom nobody listens to but still knows everything