Climates and vegetation of Europe

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Climates and vegetation of Europe by Mind Map: Climates and vegetation of Europe

1. Hot zones

1.1. In areas with oceanic climate, there are many forests and grasslands

1.2. In areas with a Mediterranean climate, the Mediterranean forest stands consisting of shrubs and trees

1.3. In continental climate zones, there are taigas and steppes

2. There are very types of vegetation in Europe, depending of the territories.

2.1. Cold zones

2.1.1. In these areas there are little vegetation. In less cold areas grow moss, shrubs ... These type of vegetation is called tundra

2.2. Hot zones

2.2.1. In zones with oceanic climate, there are forests and meadows

2.2.2. In zones with mediterranean climate, there is the mediterranean forest, form by trees and shrubs

2.2.3. In zones with continental climate, there are taigas and steppes

3. Hot Climates

3.1. There are three types of hot climates

3.1.1. Continental It is characteristic of eastern europe. It have high temperatures in summer and low in winter. Usually rains in summer

3.1.2. Mediterranean It belongs to the Mediterranean coast and interior parts. Have high temperatures in summer and mild in winter. There are little rainfall

3.1.3. Oceanic Is characteristic of the Atlantic coasts. It has mild temperatures all year. There are rainfalls all year

4. Vegetation

5. Cold Climates

5.1. There are two types of cold climates

5.1.1. Polar It lies in the north. It's the coldest of the Earth. There are few rainfalls

5.1.2. Mountain It is on elevated areas. It have low temperatures in winter and cools in summer. It rains a lot