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Programming by Mind Map: Programming

1. GC

1.1. Modes

1.2. Generations

1.3. Object graph

1.4. WeakReference

2. Mocks

2.1. RhinoMocks

2.2. MockQ

3. Multithreading

3.1. Kernel level

3.2. Framework level

3.3. Non blockable interlocked

3.4. Syncronization context

3.5. PLINQ

3.6. TPL

4. Cores

4.1. AppDomains

4.2. Heaps

4.3. Boxing

4.4. Dynamic

4.5. Virtual Method table

4.6. Stack typing

4.7. Closure class

4.8. Labda

4.8.1. Closure

4.8.2. Expression tree

5. Scripting

5.1. PowerShell

5.2. JavaScript

6. Paradigms

6.1. OOP

6.1.1. Patterns


6.2. FP

6.2.1. CoRoutines

6.3. Trivia

6.3.1. DRY

6.3.2. YAGNI

6.3.3. KISS

7. SOA

7.1. Orchestation

7.2. Enterprose bus

7.3. Repository

8. Weak questions

8.1. Domain Oriented Design vs OOD

9. WCF

9.1. Hosting

9.2. Instances

9.3. Error handling

9.4. Envelopes

9.5. Contract versioning

9.6. MSMQ integration

9.7. InstanceContext

9.8. CallContext

10. IoC

10.1. Spring .NET

10.2. Unity

11. WPF

11.1. MVVM frameworks

11.2. RoutedEvents

12. ASP .NET

12.1. JQuery

12.2. WebApplication

12.3. Async Pages

13. DataBases

13.1. ORM

13.1.1. Entity Framework

13.1.2. NHibernate

13.2. SQL

13.2.1. Indexes Clustered Unclustered

13.2.2. Partitioning


13.2.4. Constrains

13.3. LINQ to SQL

13.4. Oracle

13.5. MSSql

14. Unknown stuff

14.1. Mappers

14.2. WinRT

14.3. CLR Projection

14.4. ReactiveExtensions RX

15. Networking

15.1. Realtime

15.2. NAT hole punching

15.3. IP stack