Long Repair Time (MTTR) Data Deep Dive
by Melvin Ekandjo
1. Inadequate planning
1.1. No inspections are being done prior to services
1.1.1. Check trend of the number of inspections done. Check if there is a downward trend.
1.2. % of notifications created from inspections
1.3. Operator checklist notification close out time
1.4. Planned Maintenance Percentage
1.5. % breakdowns on components on scheduled repairs
2. Workforce discipline
2.1. Mechanical
2.1.1. # boilermaker tasks
2.1.2. # of thread repair work
2.1.3. # pin-and-bush failure
2.2. Damages
2.2.1. Damage prevalence rate
2.2.2. Damages per operator
2.2.3. Damage by temporal factors
2.2.4. Damages per location
3. Aging
3.1. MTTR contrasted by equipment age
4. Skills
4.1. Diagnostics Skills
4.1.1. Repair duration contrasted by repairmen
4.1.2. # of repeat failures
4.1.3. % of spanner time to downtime
4.1.4. repair to fix ratio
4.2. Training
4.2.1. Effectiveness Contrast mttr by training status
4.2.2. Training matrix compliance