Freedom Writers

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Freedom Writers by Mind Map: Freedom Writers


1.1. (1)Why does Ms. Gruwell’s students hate and resent her at first?

1.1.1. They're thinking that she didn't have any autority and that she will leave the class, a week after the first class.

1.2. (2)Most of the teachers at Wilson High do not dress in formal attire. Why do you think Ms. Gruwell chooses to wear business suits and pearls to class? What impression does this make? How do clothes, accessories, and make-up affect how other’s perceive you?

1.2.1. That she's rich and the class think that she's a a ''real'' teacher.

1.3. (3) How does Ms. Gruwell's upbringing, appearance, and attitude contrast with those of her students?

1.3.1. ???

1.4. (4) Why did Erin Gruwell (Ms. G) decide to teach instead of being a lawyer?

1.4.1. Because she wants to result problem and when your a lawyer is only a part of the problem that you resolt.

1.5. (5) Describe Ms. G.s husband. What is his attitude towards her teaching career?

1.5.1. He dont ''encourage'' Ms. G .


2.1. (6)What does Ms. G do when she finds the picture of Jamal? What historical event does she bring up?

2.1.1. She was angry and she start to talk about intimidation , suicide and the holocaust

2.2. (7)Why is this event relative to her students?

2.2.1. The holocaust

2.3. (8)Miep Gies, the woman who hid Anne Frank, is a hero to Ms. Gruwell’s students. What does Miep Gies mean when she tells Ms. Gruwell’s students, “You are heroes everyday.”?

2.3.1. Cause they survived at gang , wars.. etc

2.4. (9) Why is Eva so affected by the ending of Anne Frank’s diary?

2.4.1. Because Anne frank die and Eva think that this book learn her that that alway a happy ending but isn't not.


3.1. (1)Why are the students filled with such anger at the beginning of the movie? Do you think their anger is reasonable?

3.1.1. Answer: Because they dont want to go at school, so they're not happy .They have other things to do like proctect there familly ..etc... I think they have too much anger in them.

3.2. (2) Why are the students so unwilling to associate with anyone outside their ethnic/racial groups? Where does this intolerance come from?

3.2.1. Answer: The war, the gang ... .. etc ..

3.3. (3) Why aren’t Ms. Gruwell’s students motivated to succeed in school? What outside factors affect their ability to learn?

3.3.1. Answer: Their security , their familly ..

3.4. (4)Why do some of Ms. Gruwell’s students believe they won’t live past age 18?

3.4.1. Answer: Because they are in a life whit much problem.. Drugs , gun , alchool , Dead .. etc

3.5. (5) What would you do to break the ethnic and racial barriers in Mrs. Gruwell’s classroom?

3.5.1. Answer: I dont know


4.1. (6)Think about your own school or out-of-school activities. Are youth respectful of each other’s differences? Are there problems similar to those in Wilson High? If so, what steps can you take to initiate change?

4.1.1. Answer:I think in Sainte-anne , we not a high level of irrespect. I dont know how we can deal whit this.

4.2. (7) Ms. Gruwell is the first teacher to show trust and respect for the “at risk” students at Wilson High. How does Erin Gruwell demonstrate this? Why are some students more resistant to trusting each other?

4.2.1. Because the students have many other problem and because of ''gang '' and rascism . Dont juge them

4.3. (8) Why is trust such an important component of a teacher-student relationship? .

4.4. (9)How do the classmates learn to trust one another? How does reading and writing initiate this change?

4.4.1. Answer:

4.5. (10)How are relationships healthier when the individuals involved have mutual respect?

4.5.1. They became friend and friend are the heart familly


5.1. (1)What is Eva’s (the Hispanic girl) view of herself and her “people”?

5.1.1. She's sad because her dad is in jail but he's innocent

5.2. (2)What does the scene with the Cambodian girl and Eva show? What does it convey? What is the message?

5.2.1. Answer:

5.3. (3)Why does Eva “hate white people”?

5.3.1. Answer

5.4. (4)According to Eva, why was her father arrested?

5.4.1. He was innoncent.

5.5. (5) What makes Eva choose to “go against her people” in the courtroom? Do you think this was a good decision? How do her family and friends react?

5.5.1. Is a good decision because she want to save his father and say the truth. I think Her friends and family were proud of her.