1. Identity
1.1. OpenID
1.2. OpenAuth
2. Property Rights / Ownership
2.1. consume
2.2. destroy
2.3. exclusion
2.4. control of use
2.5. right to any benefit
2.6. exchange, transfer or sale
3. Coworking /Co-Production Spaces
3.1. http://the-hub.net/
3.2. http://www.hubculture.com/
3.3. http://coworking.com/
3.4. http://techshop.ws/
3.5. http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Hackerspaces
4. Online Identity / Reputation Mgmt
4.1. Expertise Location / What is an Expert?
4.1.1. http://www.quora.com/
4.1.2. http://vark.com/
4.2. Measurement Methods
4.2.1. recommendations / referrals / ratings
4.2.2. social network analysis
4.3. Early Efforts
4.3.1. Empire Avenue http://empireavenue.com/
4.3.2. Klout
4.3.3. PeerIndex
5. Dimensions of Value
5.1. Reputation
5.2. Trust
5.3. Influence
5.4. Inspiration
5.4.1. Excellence
5.4.2. Leadership
5.5. Participation
5.5.1. reflection
5.5.2. validation
5.5.3. criticism
5.5.4. clarification
5.6. Contribution
5.6.1. Content
5.6.2. Deliverables
5.7. Structure
5.7.1. Curation
5.7.2. Collection
5.7.3. Relation
5.7.4. Sorting
5.7.5. aggregation
5.7.6. deduplication
5.8. Leadership
5.9. Decision
5.10. Credibility
5.11. Competencies / Expertise
5.12. Referral
5.13. Surfacing
5.13.1. rating
5.13.2. Sharing
5.13.3. Filtering
5.13.4. Tagging
5.13.5. thresholds
5.13.6. repackaging
5.13.7. disclosure
5.13.8. relevance
5.14. Accreditation
5.15. Authenticity
5.16. Attention
5.17. Risk
5.18. Committment
5.19. Predictability
5.20. Accountability
5.21. Concurrency
5.22. Anticipation
5.23. Assets
5.24. Scarcities
5.24.1. Money
5.24.2. Food
5.24.3. Time
5.24.4. land
5.24.5. real property
5.25. Context
5.26. Patronage
5.27. Attribution
5.28. Capture
5.29. Connection
5.29.1. recommendation
5.29.2. introduction
5.29.3. expertise location
5.30. Action
5.31. Alignment
6. Dimensions of Reward
6.1. Purpose
6.2. Freedom
6.2.1. Time
6.2.2. Expression
6.2.3. Abundance
6.2.4. Autonomy
6.3. Reputation
6.4. Credibility
6.5. Authority
6.6. Influence
6.7. Impact
6.8. Mastery
6.9. Accreditation
6.10. Security
6.11. Intimacy
6.12. Appreciation
7. Academic Areas
7.1. Graph Theory
7.2. Social Theory
7.3. Anthropology
7.4. Economics
7.4.1. Behavioral Economics
7.4.2. Property
7.4.3. New Institutional Economics http://www.isnie.org/index.html https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/New_institutional_economics
7.5. Game Theory
7.5.1. http://habitatchronicles.com/Habitat/KidTrade.pdf
7.6. Network Science
7.7. P2P
8. People
8.1. Bernard Litauer
8.1.1. The New Paradigm of Money http://vimeo.com/7592586
8.2. Niall Ferguson
8.2.1. The Ascent of Money http://bit.ly/7EsMdY
8.3. Tom Greco
8.4. Umair Haque
8.4.1. Finance 2.0 http://bit.ly/a5pd5W
8.5. Kevin Kelly
8.5.1. Better Than Free http://bit.ly/CuhNU
8.6. John Robb
8.7. Douglas Rushkoff
8.8. Michel Bauwens
9. Communities
9.1. Barter Networks
9.2. Social Networks
9.2.1. FaceBook
9.3. Communities of Practice
9.4. Professional Virtual Communities
9.4.1. http://www.dreamfish.com/
9.5. Virtual Worlds
9.5.1. Second Life
10. Social Graph Providers
10.1. Facebook
10.2. FOAF
11. Licensing
11.1. Open Source
11.2. Creative Commons
11.2.1. Attribution
11.2.2. Share Alike
11.2.3. No Derivatives
11.2.4. Non Commercial
11.3. GPL
12. Payments
12.1. Mobile payments
12.1.1. https://squareup.com/
12.1.2. http://www.safaricom.co.ke/
12.1.3. http://www.boku.com/
12.1.4. iPhone? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/brett-king/the-iphone5-debit-card_b_765976.html
12.2. Clearing Systems
12.2.1. Ripple http://ripple-project.org/
12.2.2. ACH https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Automated_Clearing_House
13. public banks
13.1. http://publicbanking.wordpress.com/
13.2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WIR_Bank
13.3. reciprocal exchange networks
13.3.1. http://bit.ly/btqnUl
13.4. high transparency banking
13.4.1. http://tiny.cc/chafw
14. Remote Work
14.1. eLance
15. Property
15.1. Virtual Property
15.2. Intellectual Property
15.2.1. Copyright
15.2.2. Patent
15.2.3. Trademark
15.2.4. Copyleft
15.3. Real Property
15.4. Personal Property
15.5. Private Property
15.6. Public Property
15.7. Commons
15.8. Property Theory
15.8.1. first possession
15.8.2. labour theory https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Mutualism_%28economic_theory%29
15.8.3. scarcity theory
15.9. Property Types
15.9.1. title
15.9.2. possession
15.9.3. usufruct
16. P2P & Open Infrastructures
16.1. http://www.masternewmedia.org/p2p-and-open-infrastructures-the-society-of-openness-comes-of-age/
16.2. P2P Foundation
16.2.1. Michel Bauwens
17. Personal Equity
17.1. http://emergentfool.com/2009/10/30/investing-in-superstars/
18. Open Governance
19. Social Finance
19.1. peer to peer lending
19.1.1. Zopa, LendingClub, etc
19.2. microfinance
19.3. micropayments
19.3.1. PayPal for Digital Goods
19.4. crowdfunding
19.4.1. kickstarter, etc
19.4.2. quirky
19.5. social investment / microloans
19.5.1. http://www.rootcapital.org/
19.5.2. http://www.jointhehoop.com/
19.5.3. https://www.myc4.com/
19.5.4. http://www.presumedabundance.com/
19.5.5. exhaustive list of social finance ecosystem
19.6. micropatronage
20. Open Innovation / Open Design
20.1. http://www.quirky.com/
20.2. http://www2.innocentive.com/
20.3. https://www.hypios.com/
20.4. http://www.onebillionminds.com/
21. social trends
21.1. new mechanisms for trust building
21.2. community formation around co-production
21.3. global commons
21.3.1. http://forwardfound.org/
21.3.2. http://forwardfound.org/
21.4. Collective Intelligence Networks
21.4.1. leverage potential?
21.5. self-organized, self-regulated markets
21.6. open knowledge
21.6.1. http://www.lifesized.net/images/p2pmemeMap.jpg
21.7. new economic models around abundance, not artificial scarcity
21.8. redefinition of wealth
21.8.1. relationships
21.8.2. community
21.8.3. freedom
21.8.4. security
21.8.5. access to info & tools of empowerment
21.8.6. time
21.8.7. travel
21.8.8. quality of life
21.8.9. happiness
21.8.10. accumulation NOT equivalent to wealth
21.8.11. tradeable (scarcity) / measurable (sufficiency) / rankable (vitality) / nameable (identity & connectivity) / possible (comprehensibility) http://bit.ly/bf05BX
21.9. emerging values / trends / lifestyles?
21.9.1. 21st century enlightenment http://bit.ly/cT0UT5
21.9.2. The Empathic Civilization http://bit.ly/cxic4C
21.9.3. slow money http://www.slowmoney.org/
21.9.4. intrinsic motivation
21.10. evolving definition of "the self" & human nature
21.10.1. holistic understanding of individualism enlightenedself-interest, self-aware autonomy
21.11. spirit of inquiry
21.12. the long now
21.13. local resilience / permaculture
21.13.1. http://transitionculture.org/
22. Currency Platforms
22.1. Cyclos
22.2. Flowplace?
22.3. Community Forge
22.3.1. http://communityforge.net/about
22.3.2. drupal plugin http://drupal.org/project/mutual_credit
23. Currency Exchanges
23.1. InterLETS
23.1.1. http://www.bristolinterlets.co.uk/
23.2. Community Exchange System
23.2.1. http://www.ces.org.za/
24. empowerment/innovation initiatives
24.1. catalyst fund http://www.thersa.org/fellowship/catalyst-fund
25. group buying
25.1. http://www.groupon.com/
25.2. http://www.teambuy.com.cn/
25.3. http://www.gotogroupbuy.com/
25.4. http://liba.com/
25.5. http://www.taobao.com/
25.6. http://www.enjoymeitian.com/
25.7. http://www.getgogive.com/
25.8. http://fb.cityweekend.com.cn/
26. open enterprise
26.1. http://bettermeans.com/
26.1.1. Open Enterprise Manifesto http://bit.ly/908bYR
26.2. http://www.bcorporation.net/
26.3. twiki - open source collaboration platform for enterprise
26.3.1. http://twiki.org/
26.4. EaaS
27. Value Exchange
27.1. Gifting
27.2. Barter / Trade
27.3. Monetary Transactions
27.4. Asymmetrical
28. visualize / leverage social capital
28.1. http://www.assetmap.com/
29. Social Forex
29.1. PeerFX http://bit.ly/a7Neic
30. Currency
30.1. Currency Terminology
30.1.1. Social Currency Douglas Rushkoff
30.1.2. Complimentary Currency Bernard Litauer
30.1.3. Alternative Currency
30.1.4. Local Currency
30.1.5. Time Banks
30.1.6. Mutual Credit
30.1.7. Personal Currency
30.2. Complimentary Currencies
30.2.1. facebook credits
30.2.2. Ven: hub culture http://bit.ly/2GWNuz
30.2.3. http://www.bitcoin.org/
30.2.4. http://metacurrency.org/
30.2.5. http://newcurrencyfrontiers.com/
30.2.6. http://www.symbionomics.com/
30.2.7. WIR
30.2.8. Community Exchange System
30.2.9. LETS
30.3. non-monetary currencies
30.3.1. i.e. "College Degree = Token of Status; College Credit = Unit of Account; Course Grade = Performance Metric" http://bit.ly/bf05BX
30.3.2. Reputation Currencies Ven
30.4. loyalty programs
30.4.1. airmiles
30.4.2. stored value cards
30.4.3. Interra Project (now defunct)
30.5. Social Gaming / virtual currency
30.5.1. FarmVillecash http://mashable.com/2010/07/21/farmville-in-supermarkets/
30.5.2. hi5 coins http://news.softpedia.com/news/Social-Game-Developer-Big-Six-Acquired-by-hi5-136014.shtml
30.5.3. mahalo dollars http://www.mahalo.com/how-mahalo-dollars-and-payments-work
30.5.4. linden dollars http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Second_Life
30.5.5. world of warcraft gold
30.5.6. entropia http://www.entropiauniverse.com/
30.5.7. http://www.scvngr.com/about
30.6. Commodity Backed Currency
30.6.1. Terra https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Terra_%28currency%29
31. Demand Aggregation
32. Assets
32.1. Primary Asset Through History
32.1.1. Land
32.1.2. Capital
32.1.3. Mind Investment in Mind Assets http://emergentfool.com/2009/10/30/investing-in-superstars/
32.2. Sharing
32.2.1. neighborgoods.net
32.2.2. zipcar
32.2.3. assetmap.com
32.3. Gift Exchanges
32.3.1. freecycle
32.3.2. http://giftflow.org/
33. Resources
33.1. books
33.1.1. The Memory Bank http://thememorybank.co.uk/book/
33.1.2. The Future of Money Bernard Litauer
33.2. articles
33.2.1. Time for a New Theory of Money http://www.yesmagazine.org/new-economy/time-for-a-new-theory-of-money
33.2.2. 7 Ways To Transform Banking http://www.yesmagazine.org/new-economy/7-ways-to-transform-banking
33.2.3. The perfect storm to put an end to cash http://www.banking4tomorrow.com/2010/11/the-perfect-storm-to-bring-an-end-to-cash/
33.3. Projects Investigating Willed Futures
33.3.1. Symbionomics
33.3.2. TheTransitioner
33.3.3. Community Forge
33.3.4. New Economics Foundation
33.3.5. Better Means http://www.bettermeans.org
33.3.6. metacurrency.org
33.3.7. OnTheCommons.org http://www.onthecommons.org/
33.3.8. P2P Foundation http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/
33.3.9. On the Commons http://onthecommons.org/
33.4. Videos
33.4.1. The Future of Money
33.5. Prezis
33.5.1. Transitioning to a New Economy http://prezi.com/-qiaswjo975y/transitioning-to-the-new-economy/
34. Technology Trends
34.1. cheap, widely available, open source organizational and communications tools, provided via connection technologies
34.2. alternative energy
34.3. desktop fabrication
34.3.1. maker culture / hacker spaces
34.4. Open Source
34.5. Cloud Computing
34.6. BioMechanical Engineering
34.7. Mobile
34.7.1. Computing Power
34.7.2. GPS
34.7.3. Mobile Social Networking
34.7.4. Payment
34.7.5. Barcode Scanning
34.7.6. QR Codes
34.7.7. Augmented Reality
34.8. Location Based Systems
34.9. Near Field Communication
34.10. P2P
34.11. Contactless Payments
34.12. Open Data
34.12.1. data transparency