Information or data that is entered or sent to the computer Information or data displayed from ...

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Information or data that is entered or sent to the computer Information or data displayed from the computer by Mind Map: Information or data that is entered or sent to the computer   Information or data displayed from the computer

1. Application to learning

2. Example: a Student needs to submit actual photos that are in a computer file for a report. The printer will print them.

3. Example: STUDENT- A student writes a report on Word, prints the report, and submits the report on paper. TEACHER- Corrections need to be made to the report before the student can submit the report that day. Application: The student can scan and convert the document to digital at the school and the needed corrections.

4. Application to learning

5. Output devices

5.1. Printer

5.1.1. Benefits

5.1.2. Hard copys of digital data or documents can be produced in color or black & white

5.1.3. Challanges

5.1.4. The expense of ink and paper

6. Input Devices

6.1. Scanners

6.1.1. The benefits

6.1.2. a scanner can convert printed copy to digital

6.1.3. ability to modify text. make corrections, add information

6.1.4. add images or photos that are in hard copy. Example, adding a photograph to a PowerPoint presentation

6.1.5. add notations to a test, report to help with student understand/learn

6.1.6. The Challenges

6.1.7. must have high speed connection/classroom might not be equipped with a network

6.1.8. cost of additional hardware for ports/schools have limited funding