7B Beaks of Birds

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7B Beaks of Birds by Mind Map: 7B Beaks of Birds

1. How is the beak useful to the eagle? Eagles use their beaks for tearing apart their prey. Birds have no teeth and so cannot chew food. they must either eat things they can swallow whole,or tear what they catch into manageable pieces.

2. What kind of beak does the eagle have?

2.1. Hooked beak

3. 1.Sparrow have sharp beaks, tiny beaks and they eat insects .

4. Pelican

4.1. What kind of beak does the pelican have? Pelicans have pouch like beaks

4.2. How is the beak useful to the pelican? It is useful to catch fish.

5. Sparrow

5.1. How is the beak useful to the sparrow?

5.2. What kind of beak does the sparrow have?

6. Woodpecker

6.1. What kind of beak does the woodpecker have?

6.2. How is the beak useful to the woodpecker?

7. Eagle

8. What kind of beak does a woodpecker have? woodpeckers have long, sharp beaks How is the beak useful to the woodpecker? the beak is helpful to the woodpecker as it uses its beak to drum or peck at tree bark so it can eat the grubs

9. 1.Pelicans have throat pouches.2.It is useful to catch fish.