3H Beaks of Birds

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3H Beaks of Birds by Mind Map: 3H Beaks of Birds

1. Sparrow are small , plump brown -grey birds with short tails and stubby, powerful beaks.They have an extra bone in the tongue that helps stiffen the tongue when holding seeds.

2. Sparrow

2.1. What kind of beak does the sparrow have?

2.1.1. A sparrow has a sharp ,short and pointy beak

2.2. How is the beak useful to the sparrow?

3. Woodpecker

3.1. What kind of beak does the woodpecker have?

3.2. How is the beak useful to the woodpecker?

4. Pelican

4.1. What kind of beak does the pelican have?

4.2. How is the beak useful to the pelican?

5. Eagle

5.1. What kind of beak does the eagle have?

5.1.1. it has a sharp beak

5.2. How is the beak useful to the eagle?

5.2.1. it can hum for food \