Types of Animals

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Types of Animals by Mind Map: Types of Animals

1. Mammals

1.1. Mammals are vertebrate animals that are endothermic, have hair on their bodies, and produce milk to feed their babies. Many mammals give birth to live young that are small and helpless. Producing milk to feed them allows them to develop more slowly and spend time with the adults as they grow up, learning the skills they need to survive. Regulating their own body temperature and having hair of various thicknesses for protection has also allowed mammals to live in almost every habitat on Earth.

1.1.1. Land

1.1.2. Sea

1.1.3. Air

2. Reptiles

2.1. Reptiles are vertebrates, they have scaly skin that keeps their bodies from drying out, their young do not go through a larva stage like amphibians but instead look like small versions of the adults when they hatch. Reptiles are ectotherms, so they must bask in the sun or find a warm spot to get warm and become active, and they must find shade or a cool spot to cool off. In cold conditions they become sluggish and don't move around much, and some enter a state of torpor or hibernation if it will be cold for a long time.

2.1.1. Sea

3. Amphibians

3.1. Live part in water and part on land. They are vertebrates and they cannot regulate their own body heat. They need sun to be warm and active. Amphibians also can't cool down on their own, they have to find a burrow or some other shade. In cold weather, amphibians tend to be sluggish and do not move around much.

4. Anthropods

4.1. Arthropods is a phylum of animals that includes insects and spiders. They are invertebrates, which means they do not have an internal skeleton and backbone. Instead, they have a hard exoskeleton on the outside, the top layer of which is known as the cuticle. The cuticle is made out of proteins and is very versatile. It can be thick and hard for protection, thin and soft for flexibility, and even stretchy for movement.

5. Birds

5.1. Birds are vertebrates, with a backbone and skeleton. Their forelimbs have the same bones as the human arm, but they are highly modified to form the structure for wings. Some of the bones in the wrist and fingers are fused together for extra strength.