Browser and Screen Capturing Part 1
by Diego Bonilla
1. Firefox browser
1.1. We use the same browser so we have a common experience
1.2. Browser oriented towards privacy
1.3. It also allows us to take screenshots
1.4. MP3 and MP4 files play on the browser
1.5. Firefox browser - Google Search
2. Screen capturing
2.1. Document your problems and your troubleshooting
2.1.1. Written descriptions are often not enough
2.1.2. It is common that, with only one image, I can offer a good answer to your question
2.2. Images
2.2.1. Windows Snipping Tool
2.2.2. Macintosh Full screen Apple + Shift + 3 Part of the screen Apple + Shift + 4
2.2.3. Your mobile device camera Better than nothing
2.3. Video
2.3.1. For now your mobile device camera Only good if all of it is clear
2.3.2. Later in the semester, OBS Studio
3. Go for it
3.1. One screen capture of a website you use a lot - Using Firefox
3.2. One application
3.2.1. OS Tool
3.3. One screen capture of your desktop
3.3.1. OS Tool