Introduction to computer
by Neung moo

1. Computer
1.1. an electronic device
1.2. are everywhere
2. Categories of computer
2.1. Personal computer
2.1.1. can perform all of its input processing output and storage activity by it self
2.2. Mobile computer and Mobile devices
2.2.1. notebook computer, labtop computer ,tablet PCs
2.2.2. smart phone, camera
2.3. Game consoles
2.3.1. mobile computing device designed for single player
2.4. Server
2.4.1. control access to hardware
2.5. Mainframe
2.5.1. is a large ,expensive,powerful
2.6. Super computer
2.6.1. is the fastest, most powerful computer
2.7. Embedded computer
2.7.1. special-perpose computer that function as a component in a larger product
3. Computer software
3.1. called a program tells the computer what tasks to perform
3.2. installing is a process of setting up software to work with the computer
3.3. programmer develop software or write the instruction that direct the computer to process data into tnformation
4. Computer Applications in sociaty
4.1. Education
4.2. Finance
4.3. Government
4.4. Health Care
4.5. Science
4.6. Publishing
4.7. Travel
4.8. Manufacturing
5. Network and Internet
5.1. Network
5.1.1. is a collection of computer and devices connected together
5.2. Internet
5.2.1. is a worldwide collection of network that connects millons of business
5.3. People use for
5.3.1. communicate
5.3.2. research
5.3.3. shop
5.3.4. bank and invest
5.3.5. online trading
5.3.6. entertainment
5.3.7. download music
5.3.8. share video
5.3.9. web application