Who We Are (Relationships)

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Who We Are (Relationships) by Mind Map: Who We Are (Relationships)

1. Place value

1.1. Place value Intro - Big idea and vocabulary(4 periods)

1.2. Prior knowledge - Place value Place value Mat(3 periods)

1.3. Crayon counting challenge Estimation Jar(5 periods)

1.4. Daily place warm up(2 periods) Patterns in place value Place value - learning extension and assessment(3 periods)

2. Data Handling

2.1. - Counting the resources in the classroom(5 periods)

3. Shapes and Patterns

3.1. Shapes around me(3 periods)

3.2. Patterns in day to day life(3 periods)

4. Personal Narrative

4.1. Learning Objectives and Guided practice(5 periods)

4.2. Who am I (5 periods)

5. Tuning in(Prior knowledge, theme introduction and framing central idea)

5.1. 1. Provocation to the new unit - Who am I( 4 periods) Gallery walk/ Provocation table(4periods) I agree or disagree(2 periods)

6. Finding out

6.1. 1. Diverse families- Making meaning(2 periods) our beliefs and values(2 periods) Show and tell(2 periods)

7. Sorting out

7.1. 1. Classroom essentials - Our values(3 periods) -Influencing my choices/Recount of my weekend(3 periods)

8. Going further

8.1. 1. My Relationship with this world/Where are you from(3 periods) -Interview time (3 periods) -Where are we all from(3 periods) -Finding similarities and identifying differences(3 periods)

9. Making connections

9.1. Learning from our guest speakers/ -Exploring my culture(3 periods) -We are different, yet, we are the same/ (2 period)

10. Taking action

10.1. 1. Connecting globally/ Diversity around us(2 periods) -Reflecting on our journey/Reflection interviews (1 period) -Evolving me(2 periods) -Personal goals (2 periods)/