by Roman Sivakov

1. Roadmap
1.1. First Pass Claim Page
1.2. Create MICE (ECO) Treasury Contracts
1.3. Add Base WhiteList
1.4. Testing Royalty Liquid Share Contacts
1.5. Testing Pass Auth Features
1.6. Testing Commits Signed with decentralized profile This need for Update NFT Assets Features And CI/CD for all projects proceses.
1.7. First Royalty Liquid Share Contract On Mainnet
1.8. M.I.C.E. Pass Marketplace
1.9. Setup All Sites Ecosystem
1.10. M.I.C.E. Pass Claim App in Gnosis Safe
1.11. unLock Rarible, LooksRare and Nifty Gatewey Marketplaces
1.12. Public on DegenScore Cafe
1.13. Main Site For MICE
2. Who is it used for
2.1. Finance
2.2. Advertising
2.3. Creators, Artists, Screenwriters, Game-Designers
2.4. Producers
2.5. Game-Designers (DAO)
2.6. Investors, Funds, DAO, Traders
2.7. Founders
2.8. Any Games
2.9. // We need to fix the text here (I think, in other blocks too) #zhanna #todo Gaming of any (well, almost), DeFi, web2... web1 (yes, no kidding) projects. Mobile apps... Anything. It can be your on-board computer, any game from your favorite store for your favorite console. And, if you really want to (do it if you want ...), for example, it can be a smart watch, physical electronics ... even a voice assistant. (If you are completely crazy, then you can probably play mice and use the game features with a notepad, system or browser console and ... a calculator ... hah or an asic, ... or a slide rule (we are going crazy , yes?)) Here, some such things. X.O.X.O. R.S.
3. WTF? does this solution contain pain?
3.1. As an experimental project, not a "new game that may be popular" is used, but a restart (in the form of the second part + restart) of a successful game in the past, which had more than a million installations in ten years (DAU / MAU 5000-46000/45000-242000 at different times)
3.2. No. Without pain. Pain is a Legacy
3.3. Open-Source
3.4. Any User Friendly
3.5. Simple
3.6. Trustless
3.7. Permissionless
3.8. Tokenized
3.9. Decentralized
3.10. Full Decentralize use and ecosystem, development and expluatation flow. Fuck Yeah! ;)
3.11. Without "Not Decentralized Parts"
3.12. (rewrite this, plz. this is a draught) And if before thezis lazy lie (no), some small parts are centralized. with this, for now, it will not be possible to do something (and some things do not interfere with decentralized "everything else") parts. And those that are, we will clean up. Yeah. What the doctor ordered and what we all have long been hoping for, dreaming about and really, really want it to be that way. Here, this is what we do. Fuck centralization. Infuriates.
3.13. No complicated bullshit ;)
3.14. Bullshit is a Legacy.
3.15. "Transparency is the New Black" // Roman Sivakov
4. Games
4.1. Mice Game
4.2. Alchemy
4.3. Mice Runner
4.4. Oracles Games (exp.*)
4.4.1. ChainLink
4.4.2. SunFace Andrej's Oracles
4.4.3. Any Others
4.5. Cat_in-door.jpg (Interoperability, Active within the "MiceVerse" Cats)
4.5.1. Lover Cats
4.5.2. Ailoverse
4.5.3. Crypto Kitty
5. Friends & Love
5.1. Obitel Roads
5.2. Obitel Studio
5.4. Partreon
5.5. Primatech Paper Co.
5.6. Will Gate
5.7. Feesting
5.8. Lens
5.9. Safe (ex. Gnosis Safe)
5.10. Gnosis
5.11. OpenZeppelin
5.11.1. Defender