Basics of Self-Recording

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Basics of Self-Recording by Mind Map: Basics of Self-Recording

1. Planning ahead

1.1. Assignment needs to be recorded in daylight

1.2. Equipment

1.2.1. Microphone

1.2.2. Cell phone

1.2.3. Tripod or tripod cell phone mount Tripod for cell phone Tripod cell phone mount

2. Tutorials

2.1. Android

2.2. iPhone

3. Your self-recorded video

3.1. Important elements

3.1.1. The background will speak about you Good background

3.1.2. Intelligent use of day light Compensate with another source

3.1.3. Good video composition Rules of composition apply

3.1.4. Sound quality

3.2. Set up video and sound recording

3.2.1. Cell phone

3.2.2. Premiere

3.3. Self-record

3.3.1. 1 minute describing your experience setting up your self-recording

3.3.2. What was challenging? How did you fix it?

3.4. Transfer video to the computer

3.4.1. Use a wired transfer USB

3.4.2. Upload it to Google Drive Good connection

3.5. Create a 5 second title screen