Social Media Manager

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Social Media Manager by Mind Map: Social Media Manager

1. Manage Facebook Group Daily

1.1. Approve Posts In Our Group

1.1.1. Approve New Members into the Group and Record Answers to Background Pain Points, and Email Address Into Database Comment/Like/Encourage on Posts

2. Daily FBOOK/ IG / LinkedIN

2.1. Interact to Build Algorithm

2.1.1. Comment/Like/Encourage on Posts Check DMs and Answer Appropriately or Send to Makenzie Find Other Industry Leaders/Teachers/Homeschoolers to Create Connection/Follow/Engage

3. Weekly FBOOK/ IG / LinkedIN

3.1. Look at New Member Pain Points in Database to Create Content

3.1.1. Create a Welcome Post with a GIF and CTA for introducing themselves (In the search bar, use the word “WELCOME” to see past posts I have created in welcoming our new members. Coordinate with Marketing Mary to assure timeliness of posts, stories, blogs, etc. and update in our project management system Use a shared file with Makenzie to post additional content 2 times daily-both in stories and on facebook business page. Makenzie will share videos, and you can turn into promotional REELS, ask questions or highlight more of the work we do, family, etc. Schedule in Metabusiness each week

4. Monthly FBOOK/ IG / LinkedIN

4.1. Help create content/brainstorm with Makenzie on the questions/posts we need to create for our group to help promote our products/membership and create a thematic “week/month” to make content streamlined

4.1.1. Designing any current or upcoming products or services, such as freebies, items in the Business Bundle, supplements for Clarity Coaching, the Microschool Marketing 101 course, etc. These products/services are then marketed through channels such as Facebook, the Facebook group, Instagram, and the website (pop-up graphics, announcement bar, marketing emails) which require their own set of graphics, copywriting, emails, etc.

5. Goals

5.1. 1000 Members by December 31, 2023

5.1.1. Leverage this group for conversion Join FBK Group as a CTA Promotion/Engagement Calendar


6.1. Contact ladies from the Educational Marketing Series to ask for video testimonials, then, create/edit a montage featuring video clips (splice with music/visuals, if needed).

6.1.1. T/F REELS Create/edit a promotional video with clips, animation, music, voiceover, and text for use on social media/course sales page.**Shine Mastermind TWrite up a voiceover script for Makenzie for the promotional video. **Shine Mastermind

7. Mary Marketing Social Media and SEO GENERATOR

7.1. SEO Generator and AUDIT of social media performance, analytics and feedback

7.1.1. Monday: Post Tuesday: REEL from Podcast Wednesday: Post THursday: Post Friday: REEL from Podcast Trending Hashtags Create Blog Post Thumbnails for new blog posts coming out weekly